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This is Basically "My Minecraft life" -Pink Diamond Diva from youtube. I am doing the books like seasons and some things might change but most stuff is going to stay the same. I hope you enjoy it and if you like this i might do an original of another "My Life:_". Ok thank you and enjoy.

"well I guess this is it" I'm looking around in my new house. I don't understand why we had to move here we were doing perfectly fine in the city but now we moved to the suburbs. Ugh mom, you and you're stupid new job.

"well mom where is my room I guess i gotta put my stuff away" I say with no excitement in my voice.

"Oh your rooms? Just go down the hallway and take a right. Pick which one you want unless your brother has already picked his." She says with a chuckle at the end.

I start walking away "Great he's already picked his".

I go into the first room on the right and open the door just to see my older brother, patrick in here already. "ah well of course you'd be in here patrick and of course you've already picked your room"

"Snooze ya loose. Look like you're taking the one next door." He starts laughing and I roll my eyes and go straight for his window. "I wonder if mine has a view like yours." Patrick just stares at me givin me the 'why are you still in here look'. "I get it patrick, you probably don't want me in here."

I leave his room and walk into my room. I mean it's not bad. It has a big window, the closet is nice but it's a bit small. I wonder what the other rooms look like and I walk out of my room and find the next room which turns out into the bathroom. I leave the bathroom and go into master. I absolutely fall in love with this room. I walk out into the living room. I sigh i guess this is going to have to do for our house. I can't wait until the first day of school.

I unpack my room and go check and see what patrick was up to. He's room is kinda nice. "who told you, you can be in here?" he asked turning away from his computer. "Um, I did." I say, he sighs then say "ugh, whatever. What do you want?" he asks me sounding so annoyed. "Are you excited to finally see mary after all these years?!" She moved away like a long time ago and now we're moving to the exact same spot. "Uh Mary? Yeah why?" I can tell he's trying not to be happy. "Well she's your girlfriend duh!" i tease him. "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND" he yells then he mumbles "she's just a really good friend" "Just man up and ask her out already" I roll my eyes.

"it just... you wouldn't understand." I roll my eyes again. "and...why wouldn't I understand" he immediately responds and say "because you know nothing about this sort of stuff" Well I beg to differ I watch a lot of romance animes. "Life is not an anime!" "whoops did I say that out loud, BUT HOW DARE YOU SAY LIFE IS NOT AN ANIME" He says "ugh, Just wait till you start crushing on someone and you will feel how I feel" he mumbles again "Even though I don't know who would be crazy enough to like you" "I HEARD THAT!" I say as I leave his room.

I walk into the living room and see my mom watching the news. "Out of all things mom, why are you watching this?" I ask her and she completely avoid the question and ask "Oh hi dear! How are you holding back?" "Eh... I'm going to have some times to get used to this place" I say looking at the floor. "Yes, I know hunny but think of t this way. You will make lot's of new friends and being the new girl isn't as bad as in those silly little cartoons you watch" I look up and say "Did you just call anime a cartoon? and silly?" She lights up "oh so that's what they are called A-NEH-AM" I mentally facepalm myself "anyways I think I am gonna go and walk around the town for a bit." "Okay, just make sure to bring your phone with you and come before dinner" I start heading for the door and before i leave I yell "Okay mom".

Well let's go see what this new town has to offer. I don't understand why we moved, does my mom not know this is going to be hard on me and my brother? I've never been the new girl before, but where I was before being the new girl always was bad for them and I want to enjoy high school. Why couldn't we come freshman year instead.

I just realized. My birthday is on my first day of school. How much cooler can that get. I say to myself sarcastically. At least Patrick has something to look forward to. No someone. Mary.

As I continue walking I find myself at the school. It really isn't that far. Well I should really get back home.

Ahhhh I finish the first chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it. I know it isn't that good right now but I promise I will become better and so will the story. More is to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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