Chapter Three

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The force dragged you towards an outcropping of mesas. The intense pain in your chest was starting to cease, allowing you to gain control of your movements and breathe clearly again. You noticed the shadow of your former school in the distance, so you ducked down in order to conceal your presence.

You blinked. When your eyes opened, a world with a blue and white color palette was revealed to you. As you looked around, a strong white glow from an empty-looking cave lured you closer. It seemed to be the source of the energy that you felt, drawing you nearer and nearer.

Finally knowing what you were meant to look for, you shook your head and your normal eyesight returned. You ran towards the cave that screamed "I'm what you're looking for! Pay attention to me!"

After running across the flat plain, you were exhausted and ready to collapse. But, on the bright side, your fast running had gotten you to the mouth of the cave.

You began to climb inside the cave, ignoring the voice in your head that what yelling for you to go home and give up. You blindly explored the cave for a while, attempting to decode the meanings of the hieroglyphics on the stone walls. They resembled the lions that you had seen in the vision you had earlier that day. It was odd, in a creepy way.

As you made your way through the tunnels, you noticed a large hole in the ground. The remaining earth around it was cracked, as if it would give way any moment.

You tried flattening yourself against the cavern walls, in order to carefully make your way to the other side of the cave, but your pitiful attempts were in vain. You accidentally lost balance and went plummeting to your death. You held your breath, only to take in a gulp of salty water.

You landed in water!

But now you were cold, almost drowning and soaked to the bone.


In order to survive, you used your mediocre swimming skills to reach the water's surface. Eventually, you escaped the freezing grip of the water and crawled onto the dry land. Warmth surged through your veins and filled your body. It was a lovely feeling.

You looked up, shaking excess water off of your body. There was an empty cavern - still containing the ancient hieroglyphics - but it seemed as if something used to be there. You approached one of the rounded walls to observe the odd markings, brushing away some of the dust. The drawings began to glow white and move.

The hieroglyphics is lion-like figures proceeded to dive into the ground, cracking it once again and creating a hole. Great. I'm falling again.

You hit water - again - and swam back up to the land - again - and crawled onto the dry ground. You found yourself face-to-face with a large, majestic, white lion. A spherical forcefield surrounded it, protecting the beautiful creature from anime of anything that may want to destroy it. You shook the all of the water off of you (say it with me) again and slowly walked towards it. It seemed to call out to you, like it was the strong energy force the entire time. You moved around a bit - the eyes seemed to be following you.

After a small amount of walking, you were standing in front of the forcefield that guarded the white lion. You knocked on it, causing it to shatter and break. The lion bent down and invited you inside, opening its mouth and swallowing you up.

In front of you now was a seat, supposedly for you to sit in. You cautiously sat down, hopefully ready for anything that would happen. The seat slid forward, causing a complex dashboard to materialize before you.

"Hello, Y/N." An eerie - yet comforting - voice greeted you warmly. The voice sounded a bit like Alanna's, sweet and smooth, and had a hint of a mother's tone to it. "I am the white lion. I'm going to take you home."

"Wait, what do you mean!?" You asked, but the lion abruptly stopped its talking. The white lion began to move, seemingly taking flight and getting you out of the damp caves.

You screamed as the large robot burst out of the caves, not even getting a scratch as it flew out of the atmosphere. You had no idea what was happening as the lion drove itself to the edge of the galaxy, passing many different constellations, asteroids and planets while doing so. Suddenly, a purple, blue, and silver hole with weird symbols around it appeared. Without your consent, the lion dove into the large hole.

Out of fear, you covered your eyes to block yourself from what came next. After most of the movement seemed to stop, you rested your arms at your sides and looked at whatever was there before you.

A large castle ship hovered in space, slowly inching forward. You immediately became fascinated with the amazing technology that the structure probably used. Then someone had to ruin your fun.

The castle-ship structure began to fire beams of light at you, which you assumed were lasers. You attempted to control your lion, but you ended up just doing random barrel rolls and twirling around like an idiot. After a few minutes of being shot at and tumbling around, the image of a young woman appeared on your screen.

"Unknown lion craft! State your name, purpose, and where you found this craft!" The woman demanded. You noticed that she looked very similar to Alanna - her dark skin, her long white hair, the odd pink markings near her eyes, and the pointed ears.

"Uh, Y/N Kogane, I don't know, and in a cave? Now can you seize fire for ONE SECOND SO I CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO FLY THIS THING?!" You answered. The dark-skinned woman backed up to reveal six other people - five of which you recognized.

You saw Hunk, Lance, a man with orange hair and a majestic, beautiful mustache, Shiro, Keith and . . .


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