Chapter 6

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"You're going crazy I swear to God." Baekhyun said after hearing Chanyeol sweet little confession. She swore if Chanyeol saying something like that again she can't take it anymore heart gonna explode like, how dare he said something like that. Baekhyun's heart is not okay.

"Save it to your beautiful angel." She added pushing Chanyeol's face away from her and walked away leaving Chanyeol like a sassy bitch she is.

"Hey, hey," Chanyeol catch up to Baekhyun, walked beside her and slung her arm around Baekhyun's shoulder again. "That's rude you know. I just tell you my best friend that I love you and you said I'm going crazy? You should say the same thing." 

"Chanyeol, please." 


"You make me think that you have a crush on me not and Sulli." Baekhyun laugh bitterly so after saying. She play with her hair to covered her nervous feeling and managed to put a poker face after saying.

Chanyeol seems blank after hearing what Baekhyun had said and then he come to his sense, "H-hey, it's different okay. Um, I love you because you are my best friend and you and Sulli is different yo-"

Baekhyun covered her mouth prevented herself from laughing but he can't help but to laugh, "Yah, Park Chanyeol. I know okay? Oh my God, you don't have to explain everything I was just joking." 

Chanyeol face is red from embarrased.

"Screw you!"

Chanyeol pouted and Baekhyun can't help but to laugh again because who's not when Park Chanyeol the giant that popular of his hotness and handsomness just acted like a five years old kid and Baekhyun think it disgusting.

"You're disgusting giant. Don't pout you looked like a fish. Are you really 18?"

"Yes! 18 and hella hot."

Baekhyun rolled her eyes."You seriously need to stop or I'll make you stop by creating a #stopchanyeol2014 hashtag on twitter tonight."

"You just say it like that because you're just jealous of my handsomeness, right? I know it."

"You're an annoying little creature, I'm fabulous as hell here I don't have a reason to be jealous of you." said Baekhyun then flipped her hair like a divas.

Chanyeol being an annoying giant he is then did something by ruffled Baekhyun's hair and Baekhyun just use to dislike someone messing with her hair and a certain derp just did it.

Baekhyun hair is all messed now and who's fault is it if she suddenly turn into some scary monster?


Chanyeol freaked out, he can see that Baekhyun face now is all red and if he don't run away right now he'll die in any minutes soon.

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