Chapter 1

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So, I have finally, after many weeks, made the first chapter of the sequel to The Vampire Prince's Servant. Comment, vote, become a fan. Suggestions are good, I'll try to have another chapter up with in the week. Thanks again for you patcience!


I thought back to a month ago when Julian and I were sitting in my garden for probably the hundredth time. This time, unlike the others, it was his idea. 

  We sat under a large tree and looked out into the dark night. Fairy lights lit up the trees and the path looked like it was glowing as well. A soft breeze came through,  bringing with it the soft scent of the flowers that surrounded us. A small fountain sounded from off the side to us and I smiled at it all. 

  Julian had intertwined his hand and mine and we sat in blissful silence for a few moments. I leaned over and laid my head on his shoulder and sighed. 

  He shifted and stood up and I stared at him, wondering what he was doing. He gave me no expression and left me clueless. Julian stared down at me for a second and then kneeled down on one knee. He took my hand and I beamed down at him. 

  "Melody, over the past eleven months, you have made me happier than anyone else. Even the times when I know you thought I couldn't stand you.

  "The night that I first saw you after your father, I knew there was something about you that I couldn't resist. To this day, I'm still drawn to you by it. I'm not to sure what it is. I could be your sparkling wit and charm, or you extreme beauty- whatever it is, it is one of the things that makes you so wonderful. I know that I couldn't live without you. And that's why I don't want to. I love you, Mel." he pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket and opened it to reveal the most sparkly ring I had ever seen. "Will you marry me?"

  I of course said yes, or I wouldn't be at my last dress fitting a week before the wedding. Maddy stood behind me smiling. 

  "I'm so excited!" she clapped as I turned around and looked at her. 

  "It'll be great. Thanks again for being my maid of honor." I stepped down off of the platform that I was standing on to look in the mirrors. 

  I went back behind a changing screen and took it off. The dress was done being altered. I stepped back from around the screen and hung the dress up on a hanger and handed it to the woman next to me. 

  Maddy and I walked out of the shop and out to the car that was waiting for us. It was a cool spring day, it was nearly summer. The sky was overcast above us with a cool air. We drove through the city in the strange, parallel world that I now lived in thanks to my father. 

  "You know, for so little people coming, Julian is certainly making a big deal out of this wedding." I said to Maddy as we drove away. 

  She just looked at me like I was crazy. "The whole kingdom is coming! How do you consider that to be hardly anyone?"

  My eyes widened. "What?" how in gods name did I manage to miss that little fact?

  He burst out laughing. "Wow, Mel. Of course everyone is coming, there hasn't been a royal wedding in centuries!"

  I felt my stomach churn and my head spin. "Oh crap." before, I hadn't been worried if I messed up or not, because I figured it would just be a few people. Now, I was going to be worried even how I would walk. 

   She started laughing hysterically, and doubled over in the seat. "Oh my gosh, you should see your face!" she kept laughing. 

  I stuck my tongue out at her in retaliation. 


  I swung open Julian's door and leaned against the frame. He looked up at me while he sat back in bed reading a book. 

  "Hey Mel." he looked up at me and down to his book again. Sometimes he made me want to push down shelves of books. His room was barely lit. 

  Since the three months that I had been back for good, Julian informed me I could make over his room- it was ours now. 

  We painted the walls a light blue instead of the black that they had been. We kept the same black bedspread, but exchanged the lights for more grey than black. It felt to dark in there before. Someone would probably go blind from prolonged exposure. 

  I walked across the hardwood floor, my tennis shoes patted across the floor. I walked to the end of the bed and climbed on top and slid up to lay by him. I slipped my head under his arm and looked at his page. 

  "Watcha readin'?" I said in my cutest voice. I was going to hit him with a surprise attack. But of course I couldn't think that, because he would be able to read it, thanks to the multiple times he had drunk my blood. 

  "Nothing." he slammed his book shut and looked down at me. "And what are you up to?"

  I let my finger trace down his chest. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt. "Nothing much." I took a breath. "So tell me. How many people are coming to our wedding?" I looked up at him. 

  He shrugged. "Twenty at the most. Why?"

  I looked into his beautiful dark brown eyes. "Because... I heard the the whole kingdom might come." I looked away and heard him sigh. "So it's true!" I jumped up. "You could have mentioned that before!"

  "I knew you would react this way." he stood up on the opposite side of the bed from me. 

  "Of course I would react this way! How many people do you rule over again?" I put my hand on my hip and waited for his answer. 

  "Twenty-six thousand, but I hardly doubt all of them will show up." he looked at me with a 'duh' look. 

  "Even half the amount of those people is way to much, Julian!" I ran my hand through my hair and thought for a second. "They better all bring gifts." I mumbled. 

  I glanced up at him and he smirked. "I'll make sure of it." he walked around and grabbed my hand. "I promise that I will tell you the full story from now on."

  "You better mister." I poked him in the chest. "Or else."

  He let out a melodic chuckle. "Oh you're so scary Mel."

  I leaned against his chest. "You better believe it."

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