Chapter 9

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I knew I would never love him. That was impossible, I would forever be in love with Julian. Being with Jared, having him hold me on the couch, it made me feel like I was cheating on Julian. I shuddered at the thought, that just made Jared hold me closer.

"Are you cold?" Jared smiled down at me. I shook my head and avoided eye contact with him. "I'm glad you're finally coming around."

My blood started to boil, I could feel myself become suddenly angry at him and myself. I stood up and stormed out of the room. I was lost, and not to sure of where to go. I found a wall on the second floor, and sat down to lean against it. I took a few breaths in and out before I lost it, and cried. I covered my face to hide my shame. I finished my sobbing and turned my head up to look at the crisp white ceiling. I wiped my eyes and felt them slowly start to close. An overwhelming sensation of a need to sleep consumed me. My eyes drooped shut and I heard footsteps coming in the back of my conscience. I ignored it and have into the darkness.


I awoke in the bed in the room I shared with Jared. I jumped up and kicked the blankets away. This seemed all too familiar. I pushed my hair out of the ponytail I kept it in, and shook it out before I went out of the room. I ran to the door, feeling suddenly claustrophobic in it. I wiggled on the doorknob and twisted it. I flung it open to reveal a hallway full of people. I looked down at myself, for the first time realizing I had been changed into shorts and a tank-top. I pushes through them as they stared at me. Every single one of them had a drink in their hand. People from the band I assumed. But there was more than that as I walked down the stairs, pushing and shoving through some highly intoxicated individuals. Had I just woken up to a party?

I kept in my pursuit for Jared, looking everywhere. I dodged the hands of a few grabby men, and was accidentally whacked a few times be people telling dramatic stories. I found him in the last room on the first floor. He was at a desk with a tall man in a suit. They were towering over a paper; I was unable to make out what it was.

Their heads whipped up as soon as I entered the room. The unfamiliar man almost protested, but Jared smiled at me evilly.

"Nice to see you awake, darling." Jared beamed.

I shut the door behind me and walked a few steps forward. "Hello." Was all I could manage to reply.

The man leaned over and whispered in his ear. Jared shook his head. "She's my wife, she can see it." He treated whatever the man said like something outrageous.

Jared urged me towards him. For a reason unknown to me, I walked to him and looked at the paper beneath him. "Here." He said, pushing it to me. I took it in my hands and stared at it.

I felt for the chair behind me and slumped down in it, still staring at the cover of the magazine. On the front of it, was me, walking on stage with Jared. The headline read 'Jared's Secret Wife: The Inside Scoop!' I turned to the page where the article was. There were pictures of us kissing, and us leaving the concert. There was a picture of his house and one of me walking by myself to the park. I felt violated. The article simply stated that they were shocked, and didn't think it would last. I hoped they were right about that.

I put it back on the desk. I stared at Jared, and the man who I assumed was his publicist. "I need to call my dad." I stated.

They nodded at me. "You can use my phone." Jared pulled out the sleek device from his pocket and handed it to me. I dialed quickly and waited for him to answer. I heard him pick up.

"Dad, have you read the news lately?" He replied with a 'no' and I told him not to. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I handed Jared the phone again. I started to leave but he caught my arm.

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