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Warning long chapter ahead:)

I am enjoying my free time right now because usually I am so busy. Just being Ladybug would tire anyone out, but me also helping in the bakery, designing clothes, and being class president is also very time-consuming. So now I am just relaxing and just being a lazy bum. That was until I heard a thump on the balcony.

"C'mooonnnn..., I just want to be lazy today and not move." I whined

"Just let the cat in so then you can go back into relaxing. I'm sure he wouldn't mind being petted while you lay down," suggested Tikki.

I finally move from my bed and slowly trudge up the stairs. I closed my eyes and take a deep breath and start talking.

"Chat, not that I don't enjoy you coming to my balcony, but could you at least come in when I yell for to come in. I'm la..." the words die out as soon as I look at Chat Noir.

"CHAT!" I screamed and ran to him as fast as I could.

He has a huge wound on his waist. The blood dripping everywhere on the floor but I could care less. He started tilting forward and I rush forth to catch him. He seems so lifeless. I brush his bangs away from his face. He's sweating a lot and the skin is enormously pale. Right now I need to help him. I pick him up and carry him quickly to the bathroom. I carefully place him on the floor having him lean on the cabinets underneath the sink.

"Chat, please, don't close your eyes on me. Okay?"

"I'm puurrfectly fine, puurrincess," he winced after he said that, "I would never want to deny myself a chance to look at you and listen to you talk."

I observe the wound at the side. The wound is really deep and it's gonna need some stitches to fix it up. I rush along and grab a needle, thread, isopropyl alcohol, scissor, towels, a stick, bandages, and a bowl of water. I put the isopropyl alcohol over the wound. I quickly muffle his mouth to cease any sound coming out. I put the needle into the alcohol to disinfect it. Next I thread the string into the hole of the needle.

"I'm not going to lie Chat. This is gonna hurt. Badly. Bite on this stick so it will muffled the sound you will make when I insert the needle. " I put the stick in his mouth and I see he is biting it. I start stitching up the wound. As I pierce his skin he bites hard on the stick and he cringes in movement.

"Kitty, please try not to move. It will be quicker if you don't move to much. It will be over quickly." I say in a gentle tone.

He nods his head and looks away from me as I continue to stitch him again. He always move a little but not too much that I will mess up. Soon I finished and bring the towel I dunk in the water and pressed against his forehead. I wipe away the sweat from him until he was clean there. I bring another towel and clean his wound up from the blood and examine the stitches. I finally wrap it up with the bandages securely. I am thankful Maman made me do that first-aid class. I examine him for any other injuries and see that his hand is scratch up pretty badly. I motion my head toward his hand. He shakes his head no but I don't care. I pulled the glove down and take a closer look at it. I can see the strain it took for him to not scream when I pulled it off. I pour the alcohol into the bowl and I placed his hand into it. He bites down on the stick so hard it broke. I cringe and gently wipe the blood off his hand best as I could. Once I finished cleaning it, I took a closer look at it. It looked like a knife was drag along his hand.

"Was this done by a knife?" I asked him looking right into his eyes.

He looks away as that confirms my question.

"What were you doing to get this kind of injuries?!" I whisper-shout since my parents are still in the bakery.

"I was trying to fight some guys off in a theft, but they surprised me with a knife and they got me. I knocked them out but I had to get away because I knew I was bleeding. I didn't even know I was coming here till I saw my surroundings." Chat explained to me looking down at the floor. I hugged him tightly around the chest area aware of the wound if I hug to close to it.

One-Shot Marichat mostlyWhere stories live. Discover now