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~For Francis~
Francis reacts toooooo...*drum roll*

Fr:- Qu'est que cette merde(what's this s*it)? *furrows his eyebrows*

Narrator:- This is some of the fans' opinion...also quite a few countries think the same...

Fr:- Ohonhon~ And which countries do think that? Let me guess...Angleterre? *smirk*

N:- *giggles* He's one. There's also...Romano, Spain, (North) Italy...

Fr:- Erm...and do they have any arguments to justify it?

N:- I will show you some videos in which these countries will explain their opinion to you.

Fr:- Oh, ok, ma cherie~ (my dear)

*the first video shows up*

Spain:- Olá, Francis! *guilty look* As you know, being the country of love makes you more...flirty...the chicas(girls) love that...

Fr:- *stops the video* Finally, some truth~ Merci, Antonio~ *continues watching the video*

Spa:- But...that doesn't mean that I've never caught you flirting with guys...even with me...*flashbacks keep flooding his head* *blushes*

Fr:- *stops the video fast* *gets up from his chair* C'EST NE PAS VRAI~(It's not true) *triggered look* You latino son of a b*tch...and I thought we were friends...Bad Touch Trio has just broke up....YOU HEARD ME RIGHT! *turns the video back on*

Sp:- I hope this won't affect nostra amicidad(our friendship)...but I can't really forget...you were múy(very) dubious~

*video is over*

Fr:- Too late, Antonio...Ok, next video, s'il te plaît~(please)

*video 2 is on*

Romano:- Oh, ciao, bastardo~ Well...grazie for trying to rape me when I was little...

Fr:- *stops the video* OH, MON DIEU~(my god) Do you really think that he can still remember clearly what happened when he was a small child? I'm telling you...this is Spain's connerie...(bullshit) *annoyed*
*restarts it*

Romano:- *furrows his eyebrows* You don't understand how traumatised I got... luckily, Spain the bastardo helped me out in the ultimo momento... His(France's) stupid crapolla face was the worst thing though...I cam't get it out of my head... Honestly, I don't give a f*ck if you think otherwise about our encounter...

*video 2 ends*

Fr:- Oh, sacre bleu~ This naive kid doesn't know what he's talking about...and how can you insult someone like that? Oh, not even a single apology for being such a jerk to me...*his face becomes redder than his own wine*

N:- *notices Francis's state* You don't look so well...are you sure you're able to continue?

Fr:- *tries not to lose his minds out of anger* y-yes, mademoiselle~

N:- Ok, next one~

*video 3 is on*

(North)Italy: Oh, ciao, Francis~ Sorry for blaming you for this but my brother-

Romano:- *puts a hand over his mouth* Idioto what the crapolla have you just said?

Ita:- Ah...vee you're responsable of trying to kidnap my fratello away from Spain when he was a child and rape him afterwards...

Fr:- *closes the video* *laughs* well how does he know what I've done to him if he didn't get kidnapped as well? *wiggles eyebrows* It's obvious that you've been influenced by ton frére, as always...*restarts the video*

Ita:- Ve~ Even if you did what you did, I'm still inviting you over for some pasta and gelato~ My treat~*sweet smile*

Romano:- *from the background* Oh...idioto...you're always ruining everything...

*the video ends*

Fr:- OHONHONHON~ *laughs out loud* What idiots...

N:- I've left the best for the finale~ *smirks*

Fr:- oh...I think I know who that is...

*video 4 starts*

Uk:- Do I really need to talk about this? Oh, a really bad subject, really~ Okay...well...frog...that's it...you're getting exposed...now everyone will know your secret *smirks* I'm not talking about raping and all that shite...

Fr:- *stops the video* *blushes* *looks down, embarrassed*

N:- What's he talking about? *raises an eyebrow*

Fr:- Oh, I've been hiding this for a long time...You got me, Angleterre~ *sad look* I'm bi... please don't judge me, ma cherie~

N:- *a bit shocked look* Oh, sure...I have nothing against it...
*turns the video back on*

Uk:- Sincerly, I'm really curious to see if you've confessed, wanker~ About raping, there are pretty high chances for you to rape any child all your lifetime, but I dunno...we'll see... *smirks* A truth potion will solve it all...

*the video stops*

Fr:- *petrified look* I'VE HAD ENOUGH~ *starts to shiver* *runs away*

And that's it...I hope I didn't dissapoint you(a lot)
Hasta la pasta~

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