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            The first night we kept a steady plodding pace. My back started aching about an hour in but I refused to complain. Grayson didn't speak and I didn't really know what to say. The landscape remained the same, but the path we were following was sloped downward and the trees started thickening.

"Are we going into a forest? I feel like I need to know where we are since I'll be queen soon." Saying it made a lump rise in my throat but I swallowed it down.

"This is the Estwyld majesty, the heart of the Wyld. Normally I would avoid this route to the kingdom, but while it is dangerous it is the quickest way. And we're less likely to be noticed. We must stay to the path, we'll stop in another hour to rest. Be aware of your surroundings, there are creatures who will be curious about us when we enter the wood but unless we offend they should leave us be." His voice trailed off so I stayed quiet and we kept riding.

         It was well and truly dark when we finally stopped. We dismounted in a small meadow. There was a bedroll strapped to Whisper's saddle but before I could reach for it Grayson was in front of me pulling it off. I backed off and shrugged. 'I'll be damned, chivalry ain't dead.' My inner monolog was laughing her butt off, and I caught myself snickering. So instead of setting up camp I started picking up sticks off the ground, thankfully my trusty zippo was in my bag. It was plain dull silver but I got it when I turned eighteen and it hadn't failed me yet. After I gathered enough I piled them up and grabbed some dry grass for kindling. Grayson gave me another strange look when I pulled out my lighter but when I struck it realization dawned on his face. I snorted back a laugh and covered my mouth to hide my smile. For a race of beings that controlled magic and elements they sure were naive when it came to humans and technology. The fire caught quickly and I felt my hands and face warming.

          Grayson was smiling when I looked up at him again but as quickly as it had come it was gone. It seemed like he was purposely keeping distance between us, and every time I saw a glimmer of happiness on his face he slammed a wall firmly between us. I just couldn't understand why. I decided that I wouldn't worry about it now, seeing as I had no idea what to do about it. I had zero experience with men, especially faerie men.

"You know you have no need to use that anymore, Sorcha told me she tested your abilities. Why don't you try again that way?" His voice was soothing so I nodded.

            I focused on the sticks gathered in the center, I felt warmth gather in my chest and focused on it. Drawing power from it I focused on the sticks. At first they just smoldered but then a fire roared to life and I had to step back to keep from burning my eyebrows off. I felt my mouth pull into a giant grin and looked up to see Grayson smiling right along with me.

"You should rest Your Highness, I will take watch." He had such a lovely lilting accent and I felt myself fan-girling so I sat down on my bedroll and smothered my smile with a cough. I just hoped it was dark enough to cover my blush.

"Okay, don't let me sleep too long. I wouldn't want to hold us up." I layed down and faced the sky. When I was about seven I would sneak out of my foster home and climb up on the roof to count stars. Everything was so much different here though. The stars seemed so much closer, and I gave up counting quickly. I just stared instead, lost in thought and pretty soon I was dreaming.

                I was alone in a cottage, though it looked like someone lived here. It was pretty, with fresh herbs and flowers everywhere. Lacy white curtains adorned the windows and a pretty white blanket and mounds of pillows covered the bed. I walked outside and roses bloomed everywhere. The scent was heady and sweet and almost overpowering. A path wound around a bubbling fountain so I followed it, my bare feet slapping against the stone. Suddenly the path widened into a sitting area in the middle of a garden, a woman sat on the bench in the center, she beckoned me towards her.

               I felt a tug in my chest and found I had no choice, my feet were moving and I couldn't stop. I sat down next to her and felt a warmth envelope my body, it felt like a mothers embrace. She looked at me and it was like staring at a kaleidoscope, one second her face looked like a beautiful young woman, the next an old woman. Only her eyes remained the same endless black, staring at me with eons of wisdom and knowledge beyond my comprehension. Then I heard her voice in my head.

"Child of both light and dark, you will forge a new era in the world of fae. You have a dark and dangerous path ahead, but you are not without your gifts, and I have blessed you myself. Many would see you dead before you could rule but you must not give up. You will change everything. Be wary who you put your faith in dear one, many are not what they seem. Remain true to yourself and have no mercy, for you will be spared none. If you succeed your future will be bright and full of joy. Do not forget who you are Ruby, you will make a fair and just queen. I know you have questions, but you must wake. Grayson needs you."

             I sat up, fully awake and alert,  but the dream had disoriented me. I looked around but couldn't see Grayson when I heard movement to my right, I swung and caught a glimpse of Grayson dissapearing into the tree line, being dragged by something big and ferocious looking. I didn't even spare a backwards glance before I was up and chasing him.

A/N: OMG PLOT TWIST! Where is grayson? If you have any questions be sure to message me or leave a comment. This chapter is kinda short but some important stuff happened so I figured it would be okay. Also sorry it took so long but I had writers block (the struggle is real people). Don't forget to vote and comment ♥♥ XOXO

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