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It's was already Christmas for the girls / New year all of them had their break from the tour of Ariana and if your wondering where the girls are at well Ariana and Jessica are in Korea celebrating New Years with their close friends  , Fifth harmony with their families, Camila with her family in Florida , Y/N and the BlackPink girls you girls are celebrating New Years in Thailand and of course you ask your my parents if u can celebrate New Years with friends this year and they agree


We were in Thailand for the New Years it was just me and the girls "OPPA OMG COME OVER HERE" Lisa and Jisoo Pull me over to a store "Omg this is so cute Lisa" they were looking at bags

I sigh "Alright You , Lisa , Jennie and Rosé can get a bag I will pay for it" I say to the little kids "OMG THANK U OPPA" They kissed me on the cheeks and Jennie came up to me "Thank oppa" She kissed me on the cheek too then I see Rosé coming up t...

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I sigh "Alright You , Lisa , Jennie and Rosé can get a bag I will pay for it" I say to the little kids "OMG THANK U OPPA" They kissed me on the cheeks and Jennie came up to me "Thank oppa" She kissed me on the cheek too then I see Rosé coming up to me "Thanks Y/N/N" she kissed me quickly on the lips and I just smiled "Yah No teasing!" I follow them

"Guys I want to go to the food market at night , just hang out and eat" Jisoo said to us "I'm down" Lisa said right away "Me too" Jennis say and then they look at me and Chaeyoung "How about u guys ?" I thought for a sec "Maybe not me cuz I'm kinda tired I mean y'all can hang out u four I think you girls just want to hang out just the four of you" Lisa and Jennie frowned "Y/N Wym only us four look I know you think we are maybe annoy that your here which it's false we love you and miss you and we had to wait for 2 years to hang out again slash we did hang out as the four of us when u don't wake up early to eat breakfast with us" they nod agreeing with Jennie "Ok I get it and thanks girl but I'm very tired slash where we are staying has a pool and I want to chill at the pool" I said to them "Ok Oppa We will see you later" I nod and got on the car but I had help from Lisa cuz Idk how to talk Thai and the driver took me to the hotel we were staying at.

I got to my room and change but my phone started ringing "Wtf" I pick up my phone and answer "Hello ?" I say "Y/N ?" I knew us was Camila "Hey Cami wassup ?" I say to her through the phone "Nothing I just wanted to say  happy New Years" I smile and I said thanks "You too Cami" I put on my swimming Trunk "I will see you later cuz I got to perform in a bit" she said "Oki Cami luck good" we hung up the phone and went outside

I got to my room and change but my phone started ringing "Wtf" I pick up my phone and answer "Hello ?" I say "Y/N ?" I knew us was Camila "Hey Cami wassup ?" I say to her through the phone "Nothing I just wanted to say  happy New Years" I smile an...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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