chapter 1; The beginning of the betrayal

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Third prov

It all started three months after the giant war everyone was  either relaxing or mourning their love ones. Despite the lose of many campers the camp was at peace and there was no monster attacks... that was until he show up.

While on his way back from the beach where Annabeth and him were on a date she's been a little distant really if now that he really thought about it ever since  Tartarus..... “AHHH!!!” a scream of fright brought Percy out of his thought.

Running from a pack of hellhounds was a boy about his age even with the distance you can see his electric blue eyes that held fear for his life. He had blonde hair and slightly muscular fesique Percy couldn't help but think if he stood next to him compared the boy would look like a short twig.

After years of running and fighting for your life you tend to be in shape,as Percy stood at 6'4 with a muscular but lean body like a male surfer.

Another scream broke Percy from his train of thought. Pulling out riptide Percy raced to the camp border uncapping riptide he started slice through the hellhounds expertly until there was none left as he started looking for the kid he saw him inside camp surrounded by campers as Percy got closer he hired him say “Yeah there was twenty of them but they were no match for me.”  Percy asked the nearest camper to him “what's going on?”

“This is the new demigod Dave he took on twenty hellhounds with out experience.” She said in awe looking at in admiration. “and you believe him?” he asked “yeah why not?” She asked still not looking at him. “no reason.” Percy shakes his head.

Just then a bright lightning Bolt was on top of Dave's head. " all hail David John son of Zeus god of the Sky's king of Olympus."Chiron said as everyone knelt except Percy,he only kneels to those he respects and a kid who thakes creadit for somthing he didn’t do was not one of them.

Seeing that Percy was sill standing made Dave angry he didn't like the lack of respect he was showing to him. So from that day on he vowed make percy’s life a living hell.

Percy's prov

In a matter of weeks my whole life has been turned upside down  I went from a hero to someone everybody hates I didn't even do any thing wrong its all his fault he's turning everyone against me. First he started with the Ares cabin breaking there stuff and blaming it on me all the way to Hermes cabin saying I stole there equipment now everyone hates me even the rest of the seven.

The only ones who stayed true to me was Clarissa,the Stolls,Annabeth and the Aphrodite cabin(except piper)the cabin because they know my fatal flaw won't allow me to do that and they think I'm hot.

That's not even all weird things have been happening to me, my appetite got to the point were I eat alot and am still hungry I sometimes crave raw meat I also got into the habit of not sleeping just work out through out the night and Sleeping most of the morning I don't even get nightmare any more I lost my lean figure and gained a lot more muscles I also taller now at 6'7.what is weird is my craving for blood if I didn't know any better I'd say I was turning into Ares. One time I was brushing my teeth when I  looked in the mirror and saw my eyes were black like the whole thing its like my pupils spreaded over the whole thing. I don't know what's happening to me but I'm going to find out.

Annabeth has been even more distant these past few weeks always making excuses about why she can't show up to our dates I just played it off as if its nothing but I’m not stupid I've seen the way she pulls away from me when I try to hold her I guess its only a matter of time before I lose her to...

Thank you for reading.

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