Come What May (An Obi-Wan & Satine One-Shot)

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[This one-shot is inspired the fanfic "Just For One Day" by LobsterLobster on Go check it out! It's sweet but also humorous. Anyway, on to the one-shot.]

Obi-Wan was currently walking to the Duchess Satine's apartment at the Senate building on Coruscant as she had requested of him. Upon arriving, he pushed past all the guards which was a very unKenobi like thing to do as Obi-Wan usually remembers to focus on manners.

Obi-Wan then took the lift up to the floor of Satine's apartment, then walked down the hall to where the apartment was and rang the buzzer. Satine answered the buzzer and quietly asked, "Obi-Wan, is that you?" "Yes, it's me." Obi-Wan responded in a hushed tone.

Though she knew Obi-Wan couldn't see, Satine smiled. "Alright, one moment, my dear Obi-Wan." she said, then walked over to the door, pressed the button to open it and the door slid open to reveal Obi-Wan.

"Satine..." Obi-Wan said in a slight sigh then gave her a hug. "Obi-Wan..." Satine whispered, hugging him back. Obi-Wan pulled back and brushed a piece of hair behind her ear then cleared his throat. "Y-you said you needed something?" he asked.

"Yes..." "Well, what did you need? A shining Jedi Knight to rescue you again?" Obi-Wan said, nudging the Duchess slightly while a smirk appeared on his face. Satine laughed slightly. "As much as I'd love for that to be the case," she said sarcastically. "I didn't call you here for that. I..." She gave him a sheepish smile. "I called you to know if... you'd like to maybe sing or dance with me...?" the Duchess timidly asked.

The Knight stood there shocked for moment. Then, rubbing the back of his neck, said, "I don't know, Satine... I... I don't really know how to dance and... my singing is terrible." he said.

"Well, you'll never get better unless you keep trying, will you? But... I won't make you do it if you don't want to." Satine said turning her face away, gaze falling to the floor.

"Well... alright..." Obi-Wan agreed. "What would you like to sing?" he asked. Satine smiled slightly and then answered. "I thought maybe we could write our own song..." "Sounds like a good idea." Obi-Wan said with a smile

And the two started writing and didn't stop at all... except for a quick dance break... until the song was finished.

"Alright... shall we try going for a full run through of it?" Obi-Wan asked. Satine nodded while Obi-Wan gulped loudly.


[CODE: Brackets; [ ] are Obi-Wan, braces; { } are Satine and perentecese; ( ) are both of them.]

["I never knew, I could feel like this..."]

["Like I've never seen the sky, before..."]

He started nervously, then continued.

["I want to vanish, inside your kiss."]

["Everyday, I love you more and more..."]

["Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings?"]

["Telling me to give you everything!"]

He sang, holding the note.

["Seasons may change,"]

["Winter to Spring..."]


["But I love you..."]

["Until the end, of, time..."]

["Come what may... come what may..."]

["I will love you... until my dying day..."]

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