Chapter 1

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*TRIGGER WARNIG: attempted suicide, self harm, dark thoughts*

Izuku Midoriya POV
Izuku walked back home from middle school, dreading the day he had, he looked at his shoes as he walked thinking about what Kacchan had told him. He thought about it, it was on a loop in his head. "Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof?". Izuku muttered the words and thought to himself, 'maybe I will...'. Izuku eventually got home and took his shoes off putting his house shoes on, "mom?" He called out walking into the kitchen he saw a note that read

"Dear izuku,
I won't be home till late tonight hum. There is dinner in the fridge, I love you izu!

-Signed mom"

Izuku sighed and threw the paper away, walking to his All Might themed room he grabbed his phone taking the phone case off he grabbed the razor blade from it. Izuku didn't really like doing this to himself but it took the pain away. Izuku rolled his sleeves up seeing his already scared up arm he sighed and slid the blade across his wrist. "One cut for being worthless" he did another cut. "Two cuts for being stupid". This continued until he had at least ten cuts on each arm, izuku grabbed bandages and wrapped his arms his vision going slightly blurry, and feeling nauseous he put the blade away then put his phone away, laying down on his bed he slowly fell asleep, not knowing what later that night would hold for him.

(Hello there beautiful people! As of 11/24/18 this has been completely re written! I was not proud of how this book turned out and decided to re write it! Anyways I hope you like the improved chapter, the next chapter should be out sometime tomorrow or the day after. Sorry this turned out to be a short chapter! That being said peace out guys, gals, and non binary pals!


(Word count: 330)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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