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(what they have each other in their phone as)
twin😈💔: she had a really bad panic attack. we couldn't calm her down so she took a xan. and ended up passing out. she hit her head on the way down.

diegooooo🤣💔: i know i did. i was gonna delete it before she saw. i know i fucked up. she's ok now right?

twin😈💔: she's really weak but she's stable. they had to flush her stomach. she didn't have any internal bleeding or anything like that. brielle is with her.

diegooooo🤣💔: dude...where did she even get the xan?

twin😈💔: remember when she took them from you? i think that's where she got them from.

diegooooo🤣💔: fuckin hell man. so what? did she try to kill herself?

twin😈💔: i don't think so. i think she was just tryna calm down. this could've been a lot worse. whether it was a joke or not, you shouldn't have done it in the first place.

diegooooo🤣💔: i know

twin😈💔: no obviously you don't. because you did it. if you knew it was wrong in the first place, you wouldn't have done it. your too focused on yourself diego. and i hate to say that because your my brother. but arli is also my best friend and seeing her almost kill herself because of an instagram post, sucks ass.

twin😈💔: your better then that diego. wanting likes in return of leaking someone's nudes, someone who loves you and cares about you. your still my brother but i've lost some respect for you.

diegooooo🤣💔: i was heart broken and being an idiot.

twin😈💔: bro, i don't fucking care if you were crying your eyes out every night since arli broke up with you. that's fine. you can be sad and shit. but what you don't do it post that your gonna leak her nudes. post one of your lyrics that describe how you feel. post just broken hearts. but don't post shit talking about 'for this many likes, ill leak her nudes'. that's a dick move

diegooooo🤣💔: i fuckin know dude. i was heart broke and drunk off my ass in my feels. i figures i post it just to let off some steam or something. i thought arli would text me or something and we couldve talked. you gotta believe me when i say i didn't mean to hurt her or for her to hurt herself.

twin😈💔: i know you didn't. i believe you but from now on, you gotta start thinking before you post or say shit diego. your gonna end up getting yourself in trouble.

diegooooo🤣💔: can you just tell arli i'm sorry? i didn't mean to do any damage.

twin😈💔: i'm not with her, your gonna have to text brielle if you want a response from arli

twin😈💔: bri might not answer you though.

diegooooo🤣💔: i'll try.

twin😈💔: alright, i'll talk to you later.

diegooooo🤣💔: ight

oooooo! ethan snapped! 🤣 what are your opinions on ethan's rant? was he in the wrong from going off on diego?

also! thank you so fuckin much for 17k+ reads on this story! and this is our 100th chapter!!!! 🎉🎊🎁🎉🎊🎁🎉🎊🎈🎊🎉🎁🎊🎁🎊🎉🎊🎁🎊🎈🎉🎊🎁🎊🎉🎈🎊🎊🎁 😂😂 alright byeeeeee!

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