Love Story (Seokjin x You)

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I wrote it in a modern setting but it still is fully inspired by the song. Hope you like it!

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air

Y/N closes her eyes as she inhales the breeze that sweeps her hair as she stands on the balcony of her home. A smile grazed her lips as she remembered that she would never thought she would feel this happy, this contented after feeling lonely and empty her whole life.

And its all thanks to this one man.

She looked over her shoulders to see the figure of the man she loves so much, her heart could burst just from thinking about him, currently soundly asleep on the bed and her mind takes her back to when everything begin.

To when their love story begins.

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd

Y/N was just a bored teenage heiress back then, on the borderline of turning into an adult, something she absolutely cant wait to be. Dont get her wrong. Her life is perfect. Well, as perfect as the world of a lonely heiress could be. She was the sole heiress of her family's empire, she obviously have the wealth, blessed with amazingly good looks, brains and everything she can ever asks for. She lives a live of a princess, but as all princess usually are, they are overprotected. Her every move is always being watched, not just by her parents, but by everybody. She cant do no wrong. She cant just simply befriend anybody she likes, her parents must approved of their standard first; are they a daughter or son of another empire? Who are their parents? What kind of person are they? Which resulted with Y/N only having two close friends who are also in the same position as her, an heiress. But the difference between them and her, they have older siblings to take off the pressure of becoming the next heir in line, giving them the freedom to do whatever they want. Also just like a princess, Y/N surely as hell is not allowed to fall in love with just simply anybody. Her parents will freaked out if she ended up with some burnout who is not in line for his own empire. So Y/N decided there's no point of finding love when she will end up marrying one of the snobbish heir in an arranged marriage anyway.

As usual, Y/N is currently sitting at yet another front row of a packed stadium of some artist that she dont even know, which she is once again dragged to attend by her friends. Being a well known socialite, its something normal for them to attaend these kinds of events on almost every night as part of the VVIP guests, the organizers hoping to create some sort of a good connection with these empires. But partying almost every night has taken its toll and Y/N sat in her seat, playing with her phone, bored, while waiting for the show to finally start. Her friends chattering away, excited for the concert by her side, already used to her brooding ways. Y/N finally locked her phone and tossed it in her bag when the lights finally went off and the crowd of screaming girls starts to go wild, indicating the show is finally starting.

Y/N adjusted herself in her seat and try to enjoy the next two hours of the concert, might as well when she's already here. She expected to see the usual performance, band members dancing and singing to song that she cant relate at all, but she was taken by surprised to see instead seven most handsome man she has ever laid her eyes on, with voices and dance moves that she has never seen before.

But one of the members caught her eyes the most and she cant help but to stare at that particular man as he dances and sings.

He's so handsome.

To her surprised, the man that she has been oogling suddenly look her way and out of the thousand girls in the crowd, he gave a smile just for her and winked. Y/N placed her hand over her chest, trying to calm down her racing heart. The rest of the concert went by quickly, with Y/N solely focusing on him and him giving her the occasional glance and smile as he tries to concentrate in his performance for the rest of the concert.

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