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It's been a month now that I'm here and i really miss Jin and Jungkook.

I told Jimin that i miss them but he said he's afraid that Jin and Jungkook will take me away from him.

"No Jimin, that'll never happen. Please Jimin." i gave a puppy eye which he'll won't resist.

"Fine! But I'm coming with you." I screamed happily and kiss him deeply.

"Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much!" Jimin just smile at my childishness.



Not even one second I'm being tackled into the ground by Jin and Jungkook. Aish, this two.. Never change.

"Where have you been? It's been a month!" I smiled at them.

"Aww, you guys miss me?" i teased them a bit.

"You pabo! Of course we did!" Jin sniffed and we all hug but frozed when someone cleared their throat.

"Oh! I'm sorry, guys this is my boyfriend Jimin." Jungkook widened his eyes and look at Jimin.

He suddenly hugged Jimin while Jimin looks suprised.

"Thanks Jimin-shi, it's been a year since Namjoon break up and he always sad and won't eat. But now you're here and make him happy and Jin and I are so happy to see him happy too."
Jimin smiled at Jungkook and nod.

"I'll make him happy, i promise."
Jimin smiled making his eyes into cresent.

"You better be young man." Jin suddenly said and hugged me making all of us laughed.

"You guys accepted our relationship?" I asked quietly.

"You're kidding? Of course we are as long as you're happy, we're happy Joonie." My eyes is full of tears and i hugged them tightly.

"Thank you so much for all this time. I love you guys so much and i don't know what would i do without you guys." I sniffles.

"We all love you Namjoon-ah." I smiled at their words as i felt loved and happy.

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