Entry 33

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There was this girl who loves to sing. One day she was heading to the forest where the most beautiful flowers can be seen. She wants to pick some for her mother who is sick that time. On her way to the forest she was singing, her voice is really pretty even the birds sings with her. As she entered the forest an old lady was hiding at the big trees near the very spot where she'll gather fresh flowers.

"You have a beautiful voice my dear" the old lady said as she make her way towards the young girl. Startled as she is, she stared at the old lady, the lady looks scary. She have a wild hair, a nose like those on the witch, a face who has a big scar on the cheek. The young girl got scared yet she manage to smile "thank you" she politely said. Gathering the flowers and starting to get herself ready to leave, the old lady touched her arm and whispered something she couldn't understand.

"Wake up my dear, wake up" The voice of her mother woke her up, she looked around and realized she's at their home already "w-what happened?" she asked her mother face was so worried "you arrived home from the forest but your eyes were blank, staring blankly at nothing and walked straight into the bed and took a sleep" the mother explained and so she decided not to tell her the real story and said she just felt tired. She did her chores, it was now dark, the night came. "Good Night mother" she said sweetly and her mother answered "sweetest dream to you my child" then she head to her room and lay down on her bed.

It was in the middle of the night when she suddenly woke up, her eyes opened as she stayed still at her bed for a few seconds. Until she heard whispers, she wasn't sure what it says but as soon as she hears it her eyes turned blank and she stares at nothing. She get off the bed as if she was being controlled and head out of her room. She silently walked towards her mothers room and opened the door without making any sounds. Her heart was pounding loud on her chest, she wasn't even sure what she is going to do but all she knows is that she needs to heed to the whispers. And so it shines in the night as the light of moon hits  it, with a swift movement the task is done. Before she could even fathom the horror she have done, her mother eyes stared wildly at her as she gasps on her dying breath and the knife on the hand of this girl with a beautiful voice is now covered with her mothers blood.

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