Rachels New BF = My Ex

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"What the heck?" I said in my thoughts.
"Why did you say what the heck?" Rachel said.Wtf they heard me,
"Oh did I say that out loud?"
"Yeah you did Y/N" Joshua said. Fuckin' ex
"Can you fuck off mate?" I responded.
"Y/N why are you being rude to him?" Rachel don't make me tell you
"Rachel babe if you knew the past you would have an idea, and NO I can not." Thank you Joshua, omg I can't believe I thought that
"Oi mate I told you to never come back into my life without an extraordinary excuse." I responded to him
"I'm dating Rachel." Oh for fucks sake Joshua
"Okay tell me how y'all know each other" Rachel asked us.
"He's/She's My Ex" Joshua and I said together
"What is goin' on" Chan my brother you would kill him
"Who knew my bff would date my ex"I said sarcastically
"Y/N I'm sorry I didn't know he was your ex" Rachel stop
"Rachel stop right there, you don't have to be sorry for not knowing, but just to let you know I won't be around when he is. Tata"
I left them all.
Then I heard footsteps running towards me.
" Y/N wait!"
"Felix what are you doing chasing me"
"I just wanted to tell you that I missed you and can we hang out tomorrow?"
"I missed you to my lil' mozzi and sure I'll hang out with you tomorrow"

Sorry for the short chapter
I just needed to get something out on this book for the people who read it

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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