Officially Sponsored. Thursday

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The rest of the day went great. Brody gave us a packet of all of the info we needed, he told us that we would be getting free Ripcurl merch, doing photo shoots and videos of us surfing for California Ripcurl magazine. That night my parents went over it and decided that this would be something good. They signed all the papers and called to ask a few questions. While I was texting Brody he mentioned that we might even travel to Hawaii for a photo shoot! I am going to give him my papers today at school. My mom took off work for the rest of the week now that I was sponsored. Chanel 7 Called and they scheduled an interview with Alana, Noah and I today after school. Apparently Ripcurl announced that we were the newest and youngest members. It's all over the news. After school I came home and changed and then Noah's mom took all of us to the mall where the interview was scheduled. "I still can't believe this is happening to all of you! How exciting! Now remember you don't have to answer any questions you don't want to. Just keep calm and be yourself, and of course have fun. I'll be watching it on the news." Noah's mom tells us as we are sent off with a guard and a Chanel 7 worker. We get to the place of filming, which is right by a FOREVER 21. We sit in front of the cameras in a staged room. The three of us get ready and Alana is getting really nervous. Neither us us have ever been on live TV before. Then the countdown started. 3, 2, And 1! "Hi and welcome back I'm Nadia Chana with Chanel 7 News. Now today we have 3 very special guests. Here we have Alana Brown, Noah Stuart, and our miracle Hannah Morris. Now these 3 are especially special because they have had normal lives until now. Why don't you tell us a little bit about it." She says turning to us. We have to act quick. Noah takes control. Thank god. "Yes hello we are very honored to be here today thanks you. So we were just 3 kids from California until something amazing and both horrible happened." Noah explains. "Yes well tell us more. Why don't you explain Hannah." She says. "Ok so um, about 2 weeks ago on a Wednesday, we all went surfing early in the morning. It was all normal, we had fun and we surfed like we usually do every day. Then we paddled out past the peer and we sat on our boards." I pause. It's all coming back. The shark. The water. Blood. "Then What happened?" She asks. "Well I had my right hand on the nose of my board and the other softly feeling the energy of the water. Then it happened." I shudder. Alana and Noah notice. "Then you know she was rushed to the hospital and we were all scared, you know if she was gonna make it. Thankfully she recovered fast." Alana says saving me from my own terror. "Wow what a traumatic experience for all of you. Change of subject, now tell all of us about your exciting new sponsorship." She says leaning in closer. I answer first. "Well the video that went viral of the attack was actually meant for the Ripcurl advisors to see us surf for the sponsorship. After the... incident they waited for my recovery to officially sponsor us." I explained. "How cool is that. Now can you tell us a little bit about what you are going to be doing with your sponsorship?" She asks us. "I'm sorry but we are not at liberty to say." Noah tells her. "Oh well that ok. Now Hannah, I understand that you still have your shoulder covered up. Can we see what it looks like?" She asks me. I look at Noah. "You don't have to if you don't want to." He tells me. I nod. I want to. "It's ok I'll do it." I turn to her. "I can show you but only with the cover on. I can't take it off until the stitches come out." The cameras come over and take a close up of my short stubby for an arm. "Ok well thank you so much for all your talk and being here with us today. Now that's all the time we have today, but give it up for Hannah, Noah, and Alana!" She says as we end the interview. "Woah that was intense." I tell them. They nod in agreement. Nadia Chana the news lady leaves us with the security guard and escorts us back to Noah's moms car. We get in and Alana helps me buckle up. "So I saw it and you all did great! What do you think?" His mom asks. "To be honest Mrs.Stuart.." I sigh. "Please call me Bethany." She says. "Bethany, it was really nerve racking. She was very pushy but I guess that's what they have to do to get answers." The rest of the ride home was quite. Noah and Alana came over and we did homework and sat on my bed. I get a text from Brody. —Hey we need you all for a photo shoot next week on Monday. Meet us at the Ventura Peer at 6:00 AM.—

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