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Ariana Grande & Y/N -Accusations



I sighed in relief as I entered the apartment kicking off my shoes and setting down the shopping bags I had in my hand on the kitchen counter and immediately headed upstairs to get out of this work uniform.

It was Saturday and I know Ari's usually at the studio for a few hours on Saturday so I took advantage of that and decided to do a little bit of shopping and some lunch with one of my best friends in the whole universe, I haven't seen him in so long since I've been caught up with work.

Being a full time occupational therapist with my own practice; the stress can really add up. I mean sure I'm the boss and I make the schedule but when I'm needed most of the time I have to drop what I'm doing to be there for my patience.

I know Ariana feels a little left out at times, like I forgot about her but I could never forget about my baby.

I feel like she's mostly this needy when she off of tour, like now. She's at home while I'm out and she hates it. But I have to get things done.

As I made it up to our master bedroom, I changed into some more comfortable clothes after having a long, hot shower. I walked back into our bedroom picking up my phone scrolling through my notifications seeing I had like damn there thirty missed calls from Ariana.

I hope everything's okay? She usually answer the first time I call. Maybe she's busy in the booth right now.

Then I waited about 10 minutes before I tried calling her back three times but no answer.

So I shot a quick text to Victoria seeing if she knew what was up with Ariana.

Hey V, is everything ok with Ariana? I'm trying to get ahold of her but she's not picking up.

I waited a few minutes and then my phone dinged.

Nope sorry cutie she left about an hour ago, told me that she was on her way home. Is everything ok? Is she not home yet?

I checked the time on my phone, it's still pretty early she's never back this early. So I'm confused as to why she even told Victoria that she was on her way home. AN HOUR AGO. I've been home for at least 2 and there's no sign of her here.

And the fact that Victoria was just a s confused as me, let me know something was up. I turned on the Tv in our bedroom to pass the time but I was so exhausted from today that I just fell asleep but that didn't last long.

1:23 am

"Y/N!" I heard Ariana's voice yell from the bottom of the stairs, her voice dripping with venom.

Groaning I rolled over on my side honestly not even mentally prepared for whatever pissed her off this time. I yawned and stretched my arms and got out bed leaving the bedroom.

"Why are you yelling Ariana?" I asked rubbing at my tired eyes. "Do you not realize what time it is?"

"Why are you cheating on me?" She scoffed mimicking me but at the same time ignoring my rhetorical question.

Immediately stopping when I was almost half way down the stairs.

"What? I'm not cheating on you." I said raising an eyebrow.

"You're not, then what the fuck is this?" She asked reaching into her purse and pulling out her phone. On the screen there was a picture of me and my friend posing in front of mirror at my office earlier today.

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