If you say so

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I'm laying in bed, in our bed, in the spot that she used to lie in, because it still smells like her and that's as close as I can be to her now.

Tears running down my cheeks as I grip on to the t-shirt she wore the last day I saw her, holding on to it as if I'm holding her because that's as close to her embrace as I'm going to get now. Letting the scent of her perfume fill my nostrils.

Six days, that's how long it's been since it happened, since she went. Six days doesn't seem that long, but it is when you lose the love of your life, when you lose the only person that has ever actually made you smile. Six days since my phone rang, and the doctor told me that Demi had only couple hours to live, that they couldn't do anything for her because she'd done too much damage. A cocktail of drugs and alcohol they said.

The moment I got off the phone I sped to the hospital, I sat in a chair next to her bed, with her hand in mine and our fingers locked together while I watched the heart monitor, listening to the constant beeping that told me she was still alive, that she was still fighting.


That's the only sound filling the room, that and the sound of the machines hooked up to her, keeping her alive before her heart totally gives up. I graze my thumb over the top of her hand before leaning down and pressing my lips against it as the tears drip off my face and on to the stiff hospital bed sheets.

"Keep fighting Demi..please..for me." I whisper, resting my head on the bed next to her body, while still keeping my hand in hers. I can't let her go, she doesn't get to leave me like this, and she can't leave me because without her I'm nothing.

I got taken out of the room before she died, they wouldn't let me stay with her, and they had to pull me away from her because I didn't want to leave her. I didn't want strange people touching her when she's mine. I just wanted her to wake up, smile at me and tell everything is going to be okay, then lean up before pressing her lips against mine.

Seven days since I heard her voice, since she smiled at me when she woke up with my arms wrapped around her waist. Seven days since I had her arms wrapped around me, taking in everything about her, from the way she would always smell like my shampoo but swears that she hasn't used it. The way her skin would always be soft and would feel like heaven when it grazed against mine.

It's been Seven days since we were laughing and messing around in the kitchen, while I attempted to make pancakes, failing and resorting to just making toast, but still somehow managing to burn it. She'd just look at me, rolling her eyes before pressing her lips against mine and then smiling against my lips.

"You're lucky I love you." She'd say, trailing her fingers up and down my arms, pulling away from me and then grabbing a slightly burnt slice of toast off her plate and then taking a bite.

"I love you more." I'd reply, stealing a kiss from her and then a bite of her toast, sticking my tongue out at her as she glared at me.

"If you say so."

I'd just roll my eyes at her because that's what she always said to me; she said it to me before she left the apartment to go out with her friend, and that was the last thing she said to me.

"Okay I really have to go." She says, giggling as I pull her against me again, pressing my lips against hers again and then pouting at her when she pulls away from me. I pull her back towards me and wrap my arms around her neck. Pressing my forehead against hers and grazing my lips against hers while she lets out soft giggles.

"But I don't want you to go."

"I know but she's waiting for me, I have to go, you'll see me tomorrow anyway." She replies, kissing my forehead and then pulling out of my grip. She smiles at me while walking towards the front door, I stay stood in the middle of our apartment, pouting at her with my arms crossed over my chest. "Don't look at me like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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