Nightmare I - The eyesight

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Where should we start of? , we're going to start with a plain yet a classic , A nightmare I couldn't forget... If you ask me , It still terrifies me even these days when it comes across my vast imagination...

It's common for Some people to be afraid to not able to see in the pitch dark ,A Dark place where anyone or anything could crole in , But what if I told you once you enter the dark ... you immediately lose your eyesight , And when you think you're safe and come out , you continue to see just the lonely blackness of empty spaces ...

Anyways lets start with our first nightmare...


Nightmare I : The eye sight

The story revolves around a behaved little kid called Alfred, Alfred for some reason was afraid of basements and roofs , if you would ask me why? ... I would simply answer "He could be afraid of the unknown " , However on the other hand not like most kids he's a curious child when it comes to play around isolated places which are covered with the black (Dark places) , One day in the weekend ... Alfred went with his father to his grandmother's five floored flat , it was around 8:00am in the morning at the time...

Most of the Kids were asleep at the time , Alfred was kind of paranoid and felt as if someone was watching him , And because there were no kids around , He felt lonly , so he went to play outside at the backyard , That's when he saw the black , A Dark path that leads to a large basement under the flat , The kid as I said was beyond curious to discover the unknown behind that black layer , He was hoping to find someone to play with , Alfred went inside the black , He felt nothing ... heard nothing , And of course saw nothing , However for some reason he flet so calm and yet he felt as if he were freezing , So he decided to exit the black , But when he thought he exited the basement, He found himself inside the darkness of blindness!! , He panicked and started screaming and crying , But not a single soul was around , After a few minutes he started to hear screaming while his body was started to freeze, His eyesight has returned to normal , He opened his eyes to find himself at a different location , walking on the stairs between the roof and the fifth floor , He felt confused and started to have a very bad feeling about this , He started to walk down stairs step by step , That's when ... Yes that's when he heard foot steep coming upwards toward him , he though it was one of his relatives, But he stood surprised to what he saw in front of him , The person he saw was himself crying but without pupils, That's when he said to me "Daddy Is that you?" , "I'm freezing dad , Help me" , Alfred was terrified, Why would he see himself in that state , and blind?! , Then he lost his eyesight suddenly!! , And returned back to his original body , And yes my friend that's also when he foun a black rounded monster convered in eyes standing in front of him!!

.....THE END.....

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