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°Violence is used in this Chapter°

It has been 2 months since the killing of the 3rd Class Leader, and I've been feeling better each day that past without getting any death threats. But it also scared me because a vampire can come out of nowhere and kill us in our deep sleep. The boys and I have been having fun but most of the time we were practicing and using our powers and transformations.

"Y/N, Catch me if you can." Jimin said as he transformed into a cheetah, while running away from me in the woods.

"Park Freaking Jimin" I said while running after him.

Once I caught up with him I jumped on his back and he transformed back into human form.

"How.. Did.. You.. Catch.. Up with.. Me that quickly.?" He said between breathes.

"I'm technically faster than a cheetah if I try to be fast." I said proudly.

I helped him up and we walked through the woods to my favorite spot near a river. We sat down and enjoyed the view.

"Jimin oppa?" I said.

"Ne Y/N?" He replied.

"How come our world has be like this?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Like bad vampires, and good vampires why can't there be a neutral vampire." I said.

"I honestly don't know" He said.

"Well, I feel like I should make a change." I said.

He laughed.

-😒- I gave him that face.

I pushed him in the water I started laughing I looked back at Jimin and he was looking at me like 'if looks can kill' type of look. I stood up, Jimin transformed into a wolf and was about to tackle me when I teleported home. Jin came up to me.

"What happened and where is jimin?" He asked panicking.

"Jimin is near the river, I pushed him in the water and he got angry, he's running back to the house anyways." I said.

He sighed. "What did he do this time?"

"He laughed at me when I said I wanted to change the world we live in." I said.

He sighed in frustration. "I told him not to do things like that for the 10th time."

"Y/N" Jimin screamed.

"What do you want?" I said.

He came up to me with the same look that I saw at the river. He hugged me really tight.

"Get off of me, you're soaking wet" I whined.

He started humming.

"I'm sorry Jimin for pushing you in the river. Can you please stop hugging me?" I said through thoughts.

He let me go. I ran up to my room took a shower and changed my clothes. I went back downstairs to the dining room for dinner. We all ate and talked.
Then we all went to sleep.


I woke up the next morning early and I felt like taking a walk so I did my morning routine and headed downstairs. I grabbed an apple and wrote a note telling the boys I went out for a walk in the woods. As I was standing next to the river, I felt someone or something was near me. It wasn't a vampire but it was at the same time. I turned around to see a wolf with red eyes growling at me ready to attack. It was apart of the rivals.

"What do you want?" I said.

"To see you die." He said in a low growl.

"Not gonna happen." I said.

"Your a helpless human, who's gonna possibly save you?" He said.

"Myself" I said.

"Oh your confidence is high if you think you can beat a me." He said as he transformed back to normal with red eyes still.

"Enough talking and attack me already." I said as I rolled my eyes.

He tried to attack me when I moved away. He stopped himself, ran my way and tried to attack me again. I bit a chunk of his arm off and he fell to the ground. I took the advantage and snapped his neck. I noticed that there was a piece of paper on the floor, I picked it up the paper and read it
It reads:

·Kill BTS's Human
·Tell them I want to fight them in 2 days
·They lose they DIE
·They win they get what they want over my dead body
                            ฯ- Song Min-ho

I left the woods, and headed back home, once I got back to the house I told the boys to the living room.

"Why did you tell us to come to the living room?" Jin said as he sat down.

"A guy came and tried to kill me earlier but I killed him. *long sigh* But now we have to fight the 1st Class Leader in two days. We lose we're dead. If we win we get change." I said in a serious tone.

"We only have two days!? That's not enough time." J-hope said loudly.

"I know but we're all having a task for the next two days." I said.

"What is it?" RM said.

"Where gonna need all the help and supplies we need for this fight it's gonna be a long one." I said while smirking.

"And V practice with your wings, your gonna need them." I said.

He nodded.

"Well our plans for the next 3 days are postponed." Jimin said.

"I guess" Jungkook said while pouting.

The rest of the day we practiced ate dinner, and then went to sleep for the last day preparation.

       |¤|To Be Continued|¤|

°Thank you for waiting. 💖 Next chapter is gonna be shorter, just a heads up☺°

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