chapter 3

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Ok first door on your right but there's two different hallways ohhh, first door to the right of the elevator I so knew that. I said somewhat embarrassed thanking God that I was the only one in the hallway at the moment or at least I thought I was cause next thing I knew I heard a voice saying, Meghan no the fuck you didn't. Who the fuck are you telling m- I stopped mid sentence unclutching my fists a whole lot more embarrassed as I came to reliazetion that it was James, holy fucking shit James your so lucky that I realized it was you, cause shit I was bout to roast your shit. I can tell, he smiled I'm sorry though. It's ok I sighed but gave him a closed smile, it's ok. I'll see you later?? See you later, oh Meghan by the wa- never mind I'll talk to you about it later. Ok u ok though? I asked concerned, yeah I'll be alright just don't worry about it, not now at least. He said Kay I won't, feel better i waved as i went to knock on the door. 3 knocks later no answer, maybe he's out of his office?? I thought to myself. 

But unfortunately that wasn't the case he was having way too much fun online and eventualy I heard proof for my self I knocked as if I was the cops at that point cause I didn't need to be proven right with any type of audio, eventually I heard a weird sounding hold on I'm almost done, followed by a fuck yes that was fun, please use hand sanitizer at least. I called through the door, huh??? replied a confused mr. Abbate. I heard everything sadly, ya did?? di - di - did you her me moaning??? he asked probally embarssed as fuck but, I couldnt lie to him I just had to tell him. Yea you were pretty loud, oh shit im so sorry. he replied, its ok just save that for home please? Will do you may come in now. Just as meghan goes to open the door james popped up once again.

Heyy mr. Abbate, wass up meghan? Hi James, how are you? Asked Mr. Abbate  im fine thank you and your self?? your welcome and, Im ok thanks. heyy james didnt we just meet not to long ago?? asked a very suspicous meghan, yea why i cant stop by to see you before you go and meet with our boss to wish you good luck?? asked james insulted, no of course you can, its just that i dont do well when pepole just pop up out of nowhere and say hi. Explained meghan, ohh well im sorry i didnt mean to put you out of your comfort zone, ill just go. said james leaving somewhat defeated, its ok just dont do it again ok? said meghan  alright said james as he contuined to walk away. Soo mr. Abbate, during the interview i rember you saying you wanted me to come to your office on my first day? asked meghan.

yes, yes i did meghan here's your job for today, 
We usually start our newbies off with some internship with an experienced  office worker,
So today you will be working with Betty over by the coffee room answering phone calls and taking messages.
Ok, where's the coffee room?? I asked.
First floor, passed the receptionist desk on your right.
Betty's usually in there getting her morning coffee and bagel,
Ok. Thanks Mr. Abbate, I called as I walked out the office any time Meghan.
Ok, I said to my self all I gotta do is go back to the first floor into the coffee room can't be that hard.
I was right in a way that is its not that it wasn't hard but that it was that hard with James bumping into me again for the third Time today I'm starting to think he's purposely some way some how watching me.
Nah, he anit into me like that no way for a janitor he's to high maintenance for me even his janitor outfit is name brand aero pastel im guessing to be honest I don't even know I am horrible when it comes to name brands I cant tell guici from Prada

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