That Guy (:

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It's not a story or a poem x__x it's just a few thoughts about someone special to me  


There’s that guy that I love. I love everything about him. He has the best humour that can cheer anyone up, just the thought of his perfect smile can make me smile no matter what mood I’m in. I love when he lets me play with his soft hair…it’s not something that every girl gets that chance to do. Every time he hugs me…it feels as if I’d melt into him…once his arms are around me and he keeps me close to him there’s always this secure and warm feeling like he belongs to me. Just as he said, there’s like a bunch of mixed emotions in our tight grasp. Every time, especially when we’re together, and he says ‘I love you’, his warm breath tickles against my ears sending uncontrollable thrills shooting up my spine…there’s this warm tingly feeling in my body that I adore, because he says that’s love, as a million butterflies erupt in my tummy...there’s this incredible happy and excited feeling that’s in my chest that wants to burst through my skin and explode into billions of sparks. I love it when he says we’re the perfect two. <3

The way he talks, the way he laughs, the way he sings to me, the way he gives his million dollar smile, his chocolate coloured eyes that glimmer so much when he’s happy, his soft hair, his secure arms...everything. To me, everything’s just perfect about him. When I think that it’s impossible to love him more…he always proves me wrong.  He’s that guy I’ll never regret meeting ‘cause I love every minute of it. He’s that one guy I care about and who I can’t even dream of living without. So yeah we do have our little arguments but hey, that’s life right? He’s that one guy I can’t bear to see hurt or unhappy. If he’s happy, then I am. If he’s sad, so am I, if he’s worried, I’ll be there to comfort him. That guy’s my life, my everything. He’s that guy so many girls are  probably dreaming about …he makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world because I know I’ve got him. 

That guy that I love insanely, that guy that I treasure and care about, that guy that means more than the world to me…that guy…that guy’s my best friend.

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