Chapter Five - October 14th, 2018 - Mollie

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I wasn't supposed to have feelings for Sebastien. He was supposed to be a rebound for River, but of course, that's not what ended up happening. He ended up being everything, and my family loved him. Especially Grandpa Leo. Grandpa Leo was so disappointed in him when he broke up with me. Grandpa Leo thought we would last forever.

Today's the second weekend in October, and Dad's home. We're decorating for Halloween today, hopefully; I'm really excited. Halloween's one of my favorite holidays.

"So, Mollie?" Dad and I are sitting at the table in our kitchen.

"Yeah, Dad?"

"What colleges have you applied to?" Dad asks, taking a sip of his coffee. It's nine in the morning and we both just got up.

I only got three hours of sleep, and I already regret it.

But the conversations that I had with Sebastien were so worth it. We talked about music, and all the shit that we've both been through. We had conversations that we had the first time around, but we went deeper. I learned things that I didn't learn the first time.

Well, we both came downstairs. I've showered and shit already. And of course he's asking me about schools. That shouldn't be surprising.

"U of Idaho, U of Washington, a few universities in Cali. Central Washington. Portland State University. University of Montana." I answer, pouring my hazelnut creamer into my Starbucks New York mug. It's giant. It's probably technically worth two cups. "I really want to audition to Juilliard and Berklee, but they're high-competition and I probably won't make it." I want to go to those schools for Grandpa Leo. He actually went to Juilliard for a little bit, but dropped out because everyone there were snobs. "Also, I applied to Grinell College 'cause why not? I have the minimal ACT score."

I know I won't make it, but it will be fun to try.

"I'm sure you could make it." Dad's never seen me play except at home, and at Grandpa Leo's funeral. "Grandpa Leo went there, for awhile. Wouldn't that mean you'd have a higher chance of getting accepted? I'm sure you would, Mollie."

"I don't know." I sip at my coffee. "I hope I would, but also tuition would be expensive, and I really don't want you to pay for it."

"Do you miss Grandpa Leo?" Dad wonders, changing the subject, taking my hazelnut creamer from me to use it. He usually doesn't use hazelnut creamer, he prefers straight milk, but every once in awhile, he'll use my special creamer that I buy for myself. "It's been a year since he died, Mollie Bean." My dad uses the nickname from when I was little.


Today's the year anniversary. I completely forgot October fourteenth, last year, was when Grandpa Leo died. Oh, fuck.

I set down my mug.

"Can I call Grandma Mallory, right now?" I wonder, running my fingers through my hair. "Is she busy, do you think?"

Grandma Mallory and Grandpa Leo got divorced right before he moved in with me and Dad, but they stayed good friends. Romance just wasn't for them. I know Grandma Mallory really misses him though. I think we all do.

"Go for it. Use my phone." My dad slides his phone across the table.

"Where's Beth? I need to talk to her later, too."

I need to ask Beth if she'd be cool with me staying out all next weekend for Forest Fest, but I don't want to go up without parental permission, because Dad's likely to freak out. I don't feel comfortable asking my dad because he'll grill me on who's gonna be there, and he doesn't like me being around Sebastien as much as I have been recently. And usually Beth will say yes without question, so I'm hoping it works this time too.

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