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3rd person POV|

Ink paced the Doodle-Verse, agitated out of her mind. Her gloved hands gripping her arms, digging her fingers into her soft skin.
"This is the third one this week, how does he keep up that energy?!"

She rambled to no one in particular.
Ink huffed, haven't seen her best friends in weeks really got to her. No one to lean on, just you, alone. It could really take a toll on someone, and boy was it showing.

It was the constant battles that really made her 'upset', noticeably getting more frequent and treacherous. Ink needed someone to speak to, just who?

Ink POV|

I hated this. This feeling of self doubt, and vulnerability.

Blue was still visiting her brother. I'm sure Dream was still busy... 'working things out' with Nightmare, or, I'm sorry, The King Of Nightmares.
I rolled my eyes. Nightmares so full of himself, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of everything! Especially that, 

Error thinks he's so high and mighty, yet he still flees from every battle! I know, no, he should've killed me when I was collapsed.
Why'd he spare me? Every time...

Ink POV cont.|

Cold... Weak... I felt no hopes, nor dreams. I felt beaten.

I laid defenseless on the white fluffy snow of DanceTale, my fragile body feeling like it could break any second at the wrong move.

My half lidded eyes, weary for a break. He's gotten the best of me, he won.

The crunch of the snow, sounding at steps coming closer, and closer.

"Ink~" Error cooed at the sight of me. He kneeled down to my level, lifting my chin so our faces met.

He tisked, "Look at you..." a shit eating grin growing on his face, almost sounding sympathetic as his deep voice spoke.

I flinched, trying to shift away. His annoying smile leaving his face almost instantly.

"Pathetic." Error stated coldly, pushing away my chin, making me fall backwards into piercing cold snow.

He stood up swiftly, leaving me there.
Alone once more.

Flashback End~

Ink POV|

I couldn't help but feel lost at Error's teasing actions. He had so many chances these last few fights, why?
Error would've been praised by 'The King' if he brought my limp body forth.

The Creator finally taken down would've been a dream come true, yet from all those chances, he didn't take one.

It hurt my head just thinking about it... Or it could've been that tree I was rammed into. One of the two seemed reasonable enough.


Oof! I know it's awful, don't remind me! XD
I'm not that used into writing long chapters, so please be patient!
I don't have a definite upload time, but I'll work to writing more frequently.

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