Untitled Part 22

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Your screaming.

Not knowing what to do. 

You see blood everywhere.

Your heart hurts a lot.

You have no clue as to what's happens.

Your still screaming but that screaming turns into,

You laughing maniacally.

You find out you are bleeding.

But who the f!ck cares.

Your having the time of your life.

Killing and brining pain to every lasted f!cking,

Person alive.

Fuck everyone.

They suck.

Then you wake up.

Wishing that you were still in that dream.

It was fun killing and bleeding.

Hell you wanted to make it happen.

But for now all you can do it hurt yourself.

You take the razor in your hand...

Then you think, why not hurt some one.

You have been following this person for a while now.

They are finally alone.

You take out a pocket knife you found.

Make sure that no skin is showing.

You wouldn't get bought now.

You open the door to their house.

You start laughing.

Making sure that it echos.

You walk it to them.

Then without hesitation you plunged your knife into them.

Crimson blood pooling around them as you stab them.

The blood splattering everywhere.

You didn't even give them a chance to scream.

«FUCK -well this proves I'm mentally unstable. Um I am having bad thought like this. I want to kill someone but I can't bring my self to do it. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. I am seriously insane. All this poem is, is me letting my heart take control of my brain. Comment if you know how to tell if your crazy. Bai»

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