I| Secret's Out

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The night on Olympus was storming, lighting flashed followed by a terror filled scream. All the Olympians - Hades and Hestia included thanks to our favourite hero - were spending the week at their palaces on Olympus with a week filled with meetings. They were woken by the haunting scream that followed, unnerving the few that recognize the voice.
Flashing to the source of the scream those who didn't know were greatly schocked to see who it was. As the Olympians stared in complete shock at their brother or uncle as he twisted and turned in his sheets while mumbling covered in a thin sheen of sweat, occasionally letting out a whimper or a slight scream, Hades and Hestia rush forward to comfor their younger brother.
"Hey. Hey look at me," Hades whispered when the god bolted awake from his nightterror, smiling when his brother focussed on him.
"'Des?" the younger god asked latching to Hades 's chest trying to figure out if he was seeing his older brother, or if he was still dreaming.
"'Tia's here, too. You're safe, you're not there anymore, we got you back. He can't hurt you again," Hades reassure the shaking and crying god bringing him closer. "'Don, look at me. He's gone and he is never coming back." Poseidon laid his head on his brother's shoulder, burying his face in the crook of his neck. Hades continued to rub circles on Poseidon's back through his sleeveless top while Hestia was whispering her comfort to help calm him down. When Poseidon had finally calmed down and was on the verge of sleep Hades asked him to take off his shirt.
"Why?"mumbled the tired sea god.
"I just want to check to make sure there aren't any new ones," Hades responded - while adding to the confusion of the other gods in the room - with a slight teasing but serious tone, they had just gotten out of the second war against their grandmother with less than a year after one against their father.
"Okay," Poseidon whispered almost too quiet for Hades to hear. The Olympians crowded around the bed were even more confused and shocked once the sea god's top was off, revealing scars littering his back, almost every inch of skin had at least a small, white, faded scar running through it. Hera, Demeter, and Zeus all gasped, realizing where all the scars came from, and why he had the nightmare in the first place.
"Are those..." Demeter began.
"Yes, and it was only a matter of time before something like this happened," murmured Hestia sadly, watching as the god of the dead traced each scar with his fingers.
"T-those cars look to be a few m-millennium old. O-old enough t-to be from the f-first..." Apollo trailed off, unwilling to believe what his favourite uncle went through.
"Titan war," breathed Athena with obvious sock and disbelief in her voice. "I know everything that happened, but Barnacle Head being t-"
"No one knew except those who were there when the war was fought," Hades cut Athena off. "Even then most have forgotten, but with Father's rise as well as Gaea's, and his son's visit to the Pit, he was barely keeping himself from breaking down from anything with even the smallest resemblance to that time; but with Demeter's accusation of Zeus acting like Him, it was no wonder he had a nightmare. For almost five years he has had constant reminders of what happened to him when he was captured then tortured in There," Hades explained, silencing the room.
"T-tart-tarus?" Aphrodite squeaked recalling a faint memory from that time, a passing nymph had mentioned something like that.
"Yes, Tartarus."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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