Chiho's Cousin

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I tried falling asleep but I had a weird feeling I was being watched. I eventually decided to throw on a hoodie and go for a walk since I wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon. I slipped on my nikes and proceeded out the door. I had my headphones in but still stayed aware of my surroundings. As I was walking I still felt like I was being watched. I looked over my shoulder and the next thing I knew a dark shadow darted behind a tree.

YN:Hey! I saw you!

YN:Come out before I make you

???:Calm down

YN:Were you the creep watching me while I was trying to go to sleep?

???:I was just watching you to keep you safe

YN:Safe from what?



???:Yes. You must no longer communicate with him

YN:Satan isn't real. Angels aren't real. Stop talking crazy and stop following me.

???:(grabs your arm)I'm warning you. Keep your distance.

YN:(flips ??? over her shoulder)Listen creep I don't know who the hell you think you are but don't ever put your hands on me again or it'll be the last thing you ever touch. Now get out of here before I kick your ass.

???:(scurries to their feet)I was just trying to help. You're in for a world of pain. You've been warned.

YN:Kiss my ass(walks back home)

I make it back to my apartment and I get settled into bed again. This time I don't feel like I'm being watched. Must've scared that asshole away. Who the hell was that anyway? Well all that matters is I can finally fall asleep.

~Next Morning~

The next morning I get a text from my mother. She wants me to take the afternoon shift at the restaurant so I could walk my cousin home from her job. I texted her back sure and checked the time. 10 a.m. Just enough time for breakfast and head to work. I made myself a bowl of cereal plopped in front of my tv. I was was watching the news since nothing good was on. There have been reports on massive earthquakes. That's weird. I didn't feel anything last night. Oh well. I finish my bowl and put it in the sink. I took a shower, fluffed out my hair, put on my uniform and was out the door.

~Later that day~

I waved goodbye to my parents and made my way to MgRonalds. They were closing up I walked in and I saw a familiar face.


Maou:(turns around) YN? What are you doing here?

YN:I'm here to walk my cousin home.

Chiho:Hi YN!

YN:(hugs her)Hey Chiho.

Maou:Oh Chiho's your cousin? I would've never guessed.

YN:Yea well she's more of a distant cousin. She's my mother's, brother's wife's niece. But when we moved to Japan they welcomed us into their home with open arms until my family was able to get their restaurant up and running.

Chiho:She was like the big sister I never had

YN:(smiles)But I didn't know you worked here as well Sadao

Maou:Oh well. I really needed a job. Ashiya could never hold down a steady one and rent had to get paid some how.

Chiho: Mr.Maou is the best employee. He always goes above and beyond for the customers and he does it all with a smile on his face.

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