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Hello. My name is Mia DiMarco. I'm 14 in the 8th grade. My best friend Hailey is a sophomore in high school. I don't hang out with her friends much. I don't think they like me much cause I'm so young. But I don't really care much about what they think. My life is pretty much boring. No guy Drama, friend drama, except for my ex-BFF she hates me now. She heard this crazy rumor that I was talking to her behind her back. Which was NOT true. Well I guess she's not true friend cause I would have believed her. I'm not the best-looking girl in the world so I don't get a lot of guys. Besides Hailey my other best friends include Dani, Lizzie and Jazmin. Dani and I are pretty close sense we have a lot of classes together. Dani has medium brown hair and hazel eyes and wears glasses that cover them up. Lizzie had golden brown hair that stops at her shoulder and brown eyes. And Jazmin has dark brown hair with light blue eyes. She's really pretty just needs to show it more. I have a lot of crushes and they go by the name of Jared A.K.A Blue Eyes is his code name. And Tyler his code name is Ponytail or Taylor Lautner. Cause he wears a ponytail like Jacob Black did. And last but not least Nat his code name is HF stands for Hot Fez. Not sure how we came up with that.

It was a Saturday night. I has home with my friend she was "watching" me sense my mom didn't trust me alone. She was telling me about the website where you can video chat with random people. I think it was an okay thing to do. I mean where hear bored and have nothing else to do while our parents are out partying. So we decided to go on. It was weird we pretty much skipped a whole bunch of people because they looked creepy. I stopped when I saw this guy. He was pretty cute. Black hair cut short. Brown eyes I'm guessing.

"Hey" he typed.

"Hey" I typed back.

"How are you?"

"Pretty Good Yourself?"


"Oh Cool. So Where You're from?"

"California. You?"

"New York."

"So can I get a name?"



"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you to :)"


Okay so that was a Introduction for yuh guys i hope yuh like it plz thell me COMMENT !!!!!!!!!! VOTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZ FAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SHARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem is He's in University and I'm in Junior High Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin