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The ride over there was full of loud silence, just echoing in my head. 

It was silent, but in my head, everything felt so loud.

I couldn't quit thinking of insignificant moments between Liam and I.

My mind was going every single moment that I suddenly felt like I had taken for granted. 

Everything felt so simple then. 

I can't hear that Liam will never come home again. 

Darren can't grow up without his father. 

There was still so much we haven't done together. 


There is no way I can accept that we may have had our last conversation or last kiss. There were too many lasts, not enough firsts. 

We still had so much to do. 

Niall reached over and took my hand, as we arrived at the coroner's office.

We followed behind him, hand in hand.

My heart beating through my chest, while I felt like I wouldn't be able to breathe until I knew. 

I was only able to go to the back, so Niall kissed the top of my head.

"I'm right here" he whispered.

I walked in behind the coroner and saw a body with a sheet over it.

There were so many times I watched scenes like this on a tv show or movie; it all seemed so heartbreaking. 

But it was so much more than that. The anxiety leading up to this moment was shaking me to my core, and there was no way that I would be fine after this. 

Either Liam was under that sheet, or he was still lost. 

Just because he may not be under this one, it doesn't mean he won't be next time. 

Every step felt like an eternity and every second felt like an hour.

I stood in front of the body and the coroner lifted the sheet.

I took a deep breath and let out a sob.

I put my head in my hands and started crying uncontrollably. I waved at the coroner to cover it up and I bent over, crying, as the body was covered once more. 

"Oh god!" I sobbed, as I wrapped my right arm around my stomach, trying to control myself. 

I stormed out of the room, while I tried to control my breathing. I walked out to where Niall was seated.

He had his head in his hands and was shaking his leg, just waiting for me to come out.

I sniffled and walked towards him.

As soon as he heard me his head shot up, looking at me with worried eyes.

He stood up and walked towards me "Gracie"

I hugged him tightly and shook my head "It wasn't him; oh god, that was so awful!"

He let out a huge sigh of relief "You had me worried for a moment; I could hear you crying from out here"

"This means he's still out there, but no one can find him" I said, letting out a sob.

"He'll be found, Gracie. I promise he will" he said, rubbing my back.

"Can we please get out of here, this place isn't making me feel well; I honestly think I'm going to puke after having to do that"

As we got back in the car, Niall looked over at me "Gracie, it's only a matter of time before the press finds out"

Can We Fall One More Time? (Sequel To Gotta Be You)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum