Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Kingsley was furious with me the next morning, all huffing and puffing as he paced back and forth behind his desk, giving me evil looks while in deep contemplation. I sat in the chair before him, having a strong urge to bite my fingernails, when he finally stopped pacing and sat down on the edge of his desk.

"What the hell possessed you to do this to me?" he whisper-yelled, as if there were someone listening in to our conversation. And who cares if there was? It won't be such a big secret when he pulls his pants down.

"I thought it would be funny."

Okay that was a huge lie. It was freaking hilarious! I'll cherish that look on his face forever.

"Well haha," he said sarcastically. "I'm just leaping for fucking joy!"

"You really shouldn't use that kind of language at your work place," I told him, trying to stifle an incoming laugh.

"I'm the fucking boss and I'll fucking do whatever I damn well please!" he yelled, fist on his desk. Wow, way to emphasize.

"And starting today I'm changing your work schedule. Are twelve hour shifts alright?"

"What the he'll? Isn't there laws against that or something?"

He shook his head, "I'm the boss right? Now get to work before I change my mind about letting you work here."

"Asshole," I say on my way to the studio. There is no way I'm working a twelve hour shift. I'm going to do my eight hours and get the hell out of here.

I put on my apron and got to work on the workroom again. Seriously, how many times was this room painted? It took me five hours of blood sweat and tears (literally, I got a paint chip cut and cried over it) to get that room completely scraped.

I wiped my brow and sat down in a chair, ready to take a break and maybe a bath. I'm really just--


"Oh, Kingsley!"

What the hell? I shook my head; I don't even want to know.


"Ooh, Kingsley, harder! Harder!"

Wow...this is not how I wanted to start my break. What the hell is he doing, having sex in the room right next to me?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He's doing this on purpose, I think, getting pissed off all over again. To show that he's not anyone's property and that I don't have any effect on his life.

Great, yesterday was all for nothing. He's even more of a man slut than he was twenty-four hours ago.

I took off my apron and threw it over the back of my chair before standing up, hands balled tightly into fists.

There were like five more bangs of what I assumed to be a bed against the wall and more moans. This time I could hear King joining in with a deep, throaty groan. I could just see that cocky smile on his face now, knowing he just pissed me off.

I walked out of the work room and knocked on the bedroom door very politely, getting myself into character.

"King, sweetie, is everything all right in there?"

When all I heard was their lustful sounds, I slowly opened up the door and put a look of complete horror on my face.

"Kingsley Thomas! What the hell are you doing? Get out of that bed this instant!"

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