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Once upon a time in a small and calm town there lived a small and happy family on the surface . A mother ,father and their beautiful daughter (y/n). One day (Y/n) parents went out to town. (Y/n) was supposed to stay at her friends place. As she and her best friend were playing outside her friend came up with an idea.

Chelsea: Hey let's race to the top of mount. Ebott!

(Y/n): Are you sure that we are allowed to go there?

Chelsea: Yea! Mom and dad go there always with me ! It's super safe and it has an amazing view on the town!

(Y/n): Well ... Ok if you say so...

Chelsea: Great! Now let's go! Loser has to write the winners homework for a week!

(Y/n): Deal!

The two of you rush towards the mountain . You were trying to pass Chelsea as you ran faster but suddenly you trip on a vin and fall inside of the mountain.


Chelsea: (Y/n) !!!

You kept falling and falling and falling. You closed your eyes waiting for the impact ready to hit you. After some time you open your eyes and you see that you landed on a flower field.

(Y/n):I-I'm alive? or is this h-heaven?

??: You're still alive... NOW GET OFF ME!

You jump up gasping as you see a small flower looking up at you and rubbing it's leaves.

??: Thank you... and are you ok?

Your eyes widen as you gulp loudly "I must be insane" you say to yourself. There is no way that a FLOWER is talking to you? Maybe you hit your head a little to hard when you fell down... fell down... You look up and see some sunlight coming though the mountains hole where you unfortunately fell in.

??: Helllooooo? Human?

You look down at the flower who actually genuinely looks worried at you.

(Y/n): Y-yea I'm o-ok.. um... h-how can you speak... who are you... and where am I?

The small flower answered carefully.

Flowey: My name is Flowey... Flowey the Flower and you are in the underground . Do you wish to know more?

(Y/n): Yes please...

Flowey: Very well then... I feel kinda sorry that you fell in here ... As you see this place may look nice and cozy but trust me hell seems like heaven down here...

(Y/n): What do you mean?

Flowey: Here in the underground there only live monsters. They used to live back up there with you humans.

(Y/n) : Wait I know this story. The monsters got banned down here cause for something they did and a great war broke out.

Flowey: Indeed. Now since they were stuck here they grew a huge hatred for the human kind. They sworn to kill all humans once they are free... Or ya know a human who falls down here...

You gulp as you feel the cold sweat prickling on your forehead.

Flowey : The king wants the humans most dead of all. He uses their souls so he could break the barrier . He already has 6 and needs 1 more and seems like you are the unfortunate person.

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