part 4

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Im the morning Marcus wake me up like always. When we go to school he wake up werry early just for wake me up. "Good morning baby" he say. "Good morning" i say. "C'mon we need to go in school" he say. "Yeah i know" i say and get up. We go and brush teeth. We go back in room and i search for clothes. He alredy put on his. I pull off my shirt and put my bra on but like every morning i can't lock it. "You are to stupid" Marcus say and lock it for me "no i'm tired" i say. We go down to eat something and we go to school. I go in my class and Marcus ofc behind me. I sit with Linnea my girl bff. "hey" she say. "Hey" "so i see you and Marcus had fun last night" she say. "What wtf no" i say. "But you have ..." She stop and pull my shirt on neck little down. "You have 3 hickey" she say. I look at Marcus on oder side of the classroom with 'i will kill you' look but he just smile. Then teacher come in and ofc its boring. Finally bell ring and we go out. I go to Marcus and hit him in arm but before i can say something one girl jump over Marcus and hug him and kiss him in cheek bc he don't let she kiss him in lips.
Who is that girl what you think 😕

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