Independence Dragon

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The Independence Dragon may live on your island, but it doesn't belong to you

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The Independence Dragon may live on your island, but it doesn't belong to you. It doesn't belong to anyone. Freedom is more than a passing fancy to it; it's a way of life. This free-spirited, free-flying dragon may take off for days at a time, but it remains a very loyal friend and companion. Just don't try to chain it down.

It's said that Independence Dragons once flocked with other, larger dragons

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It's said that Independence Dragons once flocked with other, larger dragons. The Independence Dragons would fetch these large dragons food, protect them from predators, watch their offspring, and more. Over time the Independence Dragons grew; once they grew large enough, the Independence Dragons decided the larger dragons should fetch their own food. On that day, the Independence Dragons left the flock of the larger dragons and have been free ever since.

Being vanguards of liberty, Independence Dragons are also concerned with the well-being and freedom of other dragons

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Being vanguards of liberty, Independence Dragons are also concerned with the well-being and freedom of other dragons. Nothing gets the ire of an Independence Dragon more than seeing fellow dragons bound in chains. When Independence Dragons see a small or defenseless dragon kept in captivity, it will gather its friends and attempt to free the captured comrade.

 When Independence Dragons see a small or defenseless dragon kept in captivity, it will gather its friends and attempt to free the captured comrade

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Count yourself lucky if you see even a single Epic Independence Dragon in your lifetime. Only a few are thought to exist, and they spend their days flying from one island to the next, on a constant quest to defend the disenfranchised. Other dragons look up in awe as they see the Epic Independence Dragon flying overhead, ready for its next adventure.

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