Timothy's story

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        Waking up at 8:00 this morning, I get up, throw on a pair of acid washed shorts, a grey tank, and my skull converse, and hopped on my board, I was definitely going to be early for team building, but it was worth it, I couldn't wait to see him, Cris.

         By the time I had gotten to the group building, it was about 9:15, still forty-five more minutes 'til I have to be here, so I decided to walk around the old cemetery behind the building. Walking towards the cemetery gates, I see there's someone there, kneeling by a grave, laying what looks like fresh cut daisies down on the grave. Slowly, I push the gate open, just enough to slip though. As I get closer to the man kneeling at the grave, I realize its not a man, but a boy, a boy I knew, Timothy, from group!

        Quietly, I approach Timothy, resting a hand on his shoulder, he jumps a little, and wipes away a tear. "Hey Timothy, I didn't realize you'd be here." I'm whispering to him now. "Yeah I come here every morning to see my mom." He manages to choke out. "Oh, I'm sorry if I interupted." My eyes soften. "Oh no you're perfectly fine, dont worry."

        I feel like I should hug him, so I do, its awkward at first, but he relaxes, "You can call me Tim, by the way." He whispers in my ear. It send shivers down my spine when he whispers to me, and we break apart, sadly. "So, if you don't mind me asking-" Tim cuts me off, "My dad killed her." I look down at my shoes. "He would have killed me if it wasn't for her." He goes on, suddenly drifting off into his life story,

        "As a kid, my parents always fought, every night, there was always something to argue about, but one night it had gotten pretty bad, and part of it was my fault-" He stops for a moment, maybe to catch his breath. "I had come home my seventh grade year, I had gotten a detention, because a kid called me a fag, so I broke his nose, anyway, I brought home the slip for my parents to sign, and well my dad lost it, and yelled at my mom for raising me wrong, because it was her fault I had a bad temper, of course, but it wasn't that at all, my mother was the woman of my life, she was always so happy-" He begins to tear up. "but then my mom explained that he, as my father needed to raise me as well, and he lost it, he snapped, jumped at my mom and started to strangle her, I just stood there crying, he pulled out a knife, and started walking towards me, he had such a twisted grin on his face, like he'd been waiting for this moment all his life, all I could do was look at my mom, she waved at me to run away, but I ran towards her and kissed her, "go Timmy" she told me, she pushed me out of the way, obviously seeing my dad, he had lunged at me, aiming me stab me but the knife just grazed my arm, and I ran so fast, all the way to the police, I was so stupid, maybe if I had just called them, the cops, my mom would still be alive, but by time the cops had found my mother, my dad was long gone, and my moms limp body lay on the dining room floor, with 17 stab wounds, the cops made me live with my aunt, and its required I come to group, they fear that one day I'll go after my dad, but they're right, because I'm a sociopath, Bry, and I'm going to kill my father, if its the last thing I do." A rush of tears just began to fall, and he looked as if he was going to pass out, so I held him, I don't know for how long, but I did.

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