Off To Hogwarts

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It was the end summer and almost time to go back to Hogwarts for another year

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It was the end summer and almost time to go back to Hogwarts for another year. I can't wait to get away from father for a couple of months. I'm sick of him hitting me, verbally abusing me, and locking me in the cold basement for days. I wish I could have a normal family that actually loves me.

As the day was coming to an end, I was just coming home from work. It was my last day babysitting the two children I watch every summer. They're a wizarding family so I am able to make enough to pay for my books and a night at the Leaky Cauldron.

The minute I walked through the door, my father started yelling me, "Where have you been? You should have been home 20 minutes ago. Are you too stupid to tell what time it is?" as he finishes yelling, he slaps me across the face and throws me towards the stairs and says "go to your room. I don't want to see your face anymore you stupid abomination"

A few hours later, I just finished packing the rest of my stuff in my trunk. I then quietly snuck out of the house and waited patiently for the knight bus.

By the time I finally got to the Leaky Cauldron, the sun was up and it was now 6 am. After getting a room and bringing my trunk to the room, I go down for breakfast. When I finished eating, I set out for Diagon Alley to purchase the books I would need for my fifth year at Hogwarts.

By noon I was done buying the books and as I was walking back to the Leaky Cauldron all I could hear was "Harry! HARRY!" I look in the direction the voices are coming from and I see the golden trio. I then put my head down and continue to the Leaky Cauldron. once I reached my destination, I brought my supplies to my room and packed them away in my trunk and then sat on the bed and read for a bit.

When I finished my book, it was 2 pm so I went down to the parlor with my sketch book. When I got down there, I noticed the window seat was available, so I sat there. I decided to draw a dragon. I was halfway through the drawing when I heard a man exclaim, "Harry!" I looked to where the voice came and noticed the golden trio with an older red head man that must be Mr. Weasley. I ignored them and went back to my dragon when I heard them talking about Black. I could hear their conversation a little from where I was sitting so, I listened in "Black's not going to be caught by a thirteen-year-old wizard. It's the Azkaban guards who'll get him back, you mark my words". At that moment, the rest of the Weasleys entered.

When I saw the Weasley twins, I quickly looked away. I do not want to get pranked by them. I think I'm one of the only people in Hogwarts who hasn't been on the receiving end of one of their pranks, and I would like to keep it that way. But I have always been jealous of the Weasleys. They seem like such a happy family. That's all I've ever wanted. After looking at the family interact for a few moments, I went back to drawing the dragon.

 After looking at the family interact for a few moments, I went back to drawing the dragon

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At dinner that night, the inn keeper put three tables together for the Weasleys. I sat at a small table at the other end of the parlor. The supper was good but now I am ready for bed. I'm excited to see what this school year is going to be like.

*next morning*

I woke up and checked the room to make sure I had everything in my trunk. When I was sure I had everything, I went down to the parlor to eat breakfast. When I finished eating, I went to collect my belongings and went to use the floo network.

*Kings Cross Station*

I am about to start my fifth year, which means O.W.Ls. I guess this is where not having any friends will come in handy. I'll spend all my free time studying so I can get all O's.

. As I'm walking with my head down, I bump into someone. When I look up, George Weasley is standing right in front of me. I quickly say "sorry" and rush onto the train and find an empty compartment. The only thing going through my head is "why are you so stupid? You should have been looking where you were going. Gosh that was embarrassing. He probably thinks I'm a stupid klutz."

George's P.O.V

Fred and I were walking towards the Hogwarts express when I felt someone walk into me. When I looked down, all I saw was head of dark curls and heard a faint "sorry" coming from her.

Who is this girl? I don't think I've ever seen before. Maybe she is a first year. The next thing I knew, she was running towards the train. Then I hear mom "Fred? Where's Fred? Here you are, dear." She'll be calling me next, I better get over there and say my goodbyes.

Rosalie's P.O.V

During the train ride, I was reading the muggle book Pride and Prejudice, when all of a sudden, the lights went out. Then I heard the door opening and I felt very cold and like I would never be happy again. I felt my breath catch in my chest and the cold getting deeper, I could feel it in my heart. And suddenly all I could hear were two voices screaming a name in the distance "Mallory, Mallory where are!". Almost as soon as it started, it was over.

I opened my eyes and saw a man who looked like he was probably in his mid-thirties. He looks at me and pauses for second which I think is weird. When I'm finally able to talk, I thank him which snaps him out of his staring. He holds his hand out to me and helps me up then offers me a bar of chocolate and says "here, eat this. It will help. My name is Remus Lupin and I'm the new DADA professor".

I then say "thank you and I'm Rosalie Blake, nice to meet you professor". With a smile, the professor leaves and I go sit down and continue to read my book for the rest of the train ride to Hogwarts. All I can think is "I'm glad professor Lupin showed up when he did and who were those people screaming and who is Mallory?"

*Great Hall*

During the sorting, I kept my head down as I usually do. I clapped whenever someone would get sorted into Gryffindor. After a while, I felt someone sit beside me. I sneakily glanced at the person and noticed that it was a first year that looked around in amazement but also looked scared. I guess she must be muggle born and must not know anyone. I was surprised when I felt someone sit beside me since no one ever does.

You see, no one has ever really heard me talk unless they were unfortunately paired with me in class and even then I said the bare minimum and it only pertained to what we were doing in class. No one even knows who I am. I don't talk because I'm afraid of anyone finding out about my home life. My father said there would be dire consequences if anyone found out.

The feast started and I took a little portion of food. I don't usually eat much since it's what I'm used to at home plus I'm too fat. My father didn't give me much food when I am there. There were days that I didn't get food at all.

When I finished eating, I left the great hall and started the trek to the Gryffindor common room. I like being the first one there at the beginning of term. It's nice and quiet and easy to read. So, when I make it to the common room, I go sit on the chair in the corner and continue Pride and Prejudice. As I read, I get lost in the world of the book and don't notice the changes in my surroundings as people start to pile in to the common room.

*George's POV*

Once the feast is over, Fred and I make our way to the common room with the other people from our house. Once we're in the common room, I scan the room to see who all is here. The only thing going through my mind is it feels so good to be back.

As I'm scanning the room I see someone in the corner room reading a book. I notice that it's Rosalie. I've always found Rosalie intriguing. I've always wondered why she doesn't talk or have any friends. I think she's the only person we haven't pranked yet. Heck I don't think I've ever seen her whole face. One of these days I'll get her to talk to me and maybe then I can figure out why she is the way she is.

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