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The plot thickens, yet their friendship is thin.
(🅱️ritney is a 🅱️ussy 🅱️op)

A bleep sliced Aquaria out of the heavy passion.
Brianna: Baby? Are you still there?
Brianna: Please, I need you.
Aquaria earned a slutty picture of Brianna fingering herself and that's all it took for the younger girl to scramble a text back.
Aqua: cAll me
Almost instantly, they connected on the phone line.
She could hear Bree writhing, squirming throughout the phone line, the wet noises clear.
Despite them being apart, both of the girls could smell the aromatic musk in their rooms as if they were actually colliding when they desired so.
When Aquarius's voice hitched increasingly regularly, Brianna knew that the other girl was close.
Pressing her lips together in some sort of weird confidence boost Brianna whispered lowly, "You really like that don't you? When I press inside you, claiming you."
Aquaria cried out louder, easing herself to make the position more enjoyable.
"Now, your going to do exactly what I say. Understand?", Brianna firmly ordered.
Aquaria whimpered, "Mm- yes."
"I want to run my hand over your legs, your thighs, your hips. Me stroking your up and down as you scream my name."
Brianna felt herself jolt upwards, not realising the importance of what was happening, enthralled in the moment.
Abruptly she heard Aquaria crying her name, creaking up the bed for more friction when she finished.
When she heard the other girl, she chocked.
This... this isn't what friends would do.
In the first place Bree wasn't even meant to have this, according to Aquaria.
Some random, basic whore called 'Britney' was deserving of someone she pined for years.
It was clear she was a second choice.
She jumped up quickly as Aquaria's sweet soft voice blasted, "Hey... baby? Are you still there?"
She sounded so preciously sweet but now even disgusting due to the thoughts plaguing her.
Brianna could barely be heard when she murmured, "U-um."
"Hey, Bree, it's okay."
"What's fucking 'okay'? You slept with me over the internet, by accident (may i mention), because you were probably horny after looking at some bitch you picked up a couple nights ago!", evidently Brianna was pissed.
Aquaria muttered something, afterwards remarking that she was sorry before hanging up.
Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an constant stream. Brianna bent forward where she sat on the floor and pressing her palms to the sheets, she began to cry with the force of a person excruciatingly vomiting.
She lazily scratched at the sheet as if it would release any of her internal pain, ultimately she felt useless.
Unable to help herself.
Pleading for a new chance.

The Age of CraquariaWhere stories live. Discover now