do you feel the same

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*Andy's Pov*

I can't contain my feeling anymore I love him yes him I love Ashley purdy. I always have since bvb started,yeah I know I had Juliet but I was just trying to make my feelings go away and eventually I told Jules and she knew the whole time. but me and her are still great friends and she actually helping me get with Ashley. "ANDY" Juliet yelled running towards me "JULES" I yelled back as she ran to me jump in my arm hugging me as I hugged her back "oh my fuck I missed you Andy" she said if you were wondering she just got back from tour with her band Automatic Love Letter "I know I missed you to Jules but me and Ashley been hanging out alot" I told her blushing when I said his name. "oh Andy your so lovestruck" she giggled "and I was hoping once I got back y'all would be together" she glared "sorry but if it makes you feel better when I stayed the night at his house I had a nightmare and he cuddle with me the rest of the night to comfort me and I almost slipped up because my dream" I said blushing "awwwww tell me the rest like what y'all did that night and you nightmare to" she told me "ok"

I'm running away from something but I don't know what once I stopped because I was right in front of ashes house I ran I didn't even bother knocking and to my luck it was unlock and when I went in I saw something I didn't blood everywhere "ASH WHERE ARE YOU" I called out once I turn around the corner and their ash was dead blood everywhere bullet to his head eyes gone it was horrible "NO ASHLEY NO PLEASE I LOVE YOU" I screamed while tears are rushing down my face "baby I love you I always will I wish you knew" I sobbed I called him baby even though we aren't dating I couldn't take the fact the the love of my life is dead so I found the gun before I held it to my head I look at the wall and it says writing in Ashley's blood thought you could run away from me Andrew look why happen to your precious Ashley "MOTHER FUCKER" I screamed angrily but pulling the Tigger to my head then I collapse to the floor dead now I can see my ashes "ands ands wake up" someone was shaking me once I finally wake up the voice was Ashley's "ands what happen you were screaming and crying" ash asked worried all I did was tackle him in hug which he was surprised but hugged me back "ashes I had a nightmare but it seemed so real" I sobbed into his chest "oh ands I'm sorry but who do you love you yell I love you" he asked shit why did I yell that "u-um no one" I stuttered "ok well try to get some more rest ok" he told me "ashes I don't think I can I'm scared I'm gonna have another nightmare" I said getting all teary eye "aw ands please don't cry I'll stay with you" he said wiping the tear from my eye "really ashes you'll do that for me?" I asked like really he would stay with me on the couch or unless we are going to his room he is such a sweetheart "of course your my bestest friend and you mean a lot to me I'll do anything to help you" he smiled "I would do the same for you to ash" "come on ands let's stay in my room instead of this uncomfortable couch" ash said pulling me up "can I get a piggy back ride please" I asked giving him puppy dog eyes that he couldn't resist "oh alright hope on" he said crouching down so I could get on "thanks b- ashes" I said quickly covering up how I almost called him baby "we are here to cosa day Ashley's room" I just giggle at his comment and he just smiles "come on ands we need sleep" he said and I pulled me to the bed he played down first then me and I snuggled into his chest and his arms wrap around my waist what would make this even more perfect if we were dating but he is obviously straight as a line and I'm straight as a circle "goodnight ands" ash said and he pulled me closer "night ashes" and we slipped into a peaceful sleep.

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