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         I hope you enjoy this story. It's about Slenderman. And here is his backstory 

By the way, my A/N's are always gonna be bold


<Your P.O.V.>

"Are you CRAZY" Adrian whisper yelled as I pulled up to the one and only Slender Forest. I laughed at Adrian's whining. "Shut up," I told him I looked around "Why are you looking around like that" I didn't reply, "Alana" He exclaimed once more. "Shut up," I said causing him to jump. "Why?" He questioned as I rummaged around my car for the flashlights I had packed at my house. I finally found one then turned it on put it in his face and then said "or Slenderman will find you" once again causing him to flinch. Then shoved me into my door and annoyingly said: "You're such an ass" "Aww thank you" I laughed. He then rolled his eyes. "So are you ready," I said wiggling my eyebrows. "No," He said emotionlessly and sternly. I looked at his dead straight face then broke the silence "Fine we can go back to my place and watch Stranger Things." He looked at me and then his frown turned into a smile "Really?" "Yep," I said trying my hardest not to laugh. I put the car in park and turned the car off. He looked at me. I looked at him. "After we take a look at this place." I chuckled. He slapped me "You're such a-" he was cut off by a rustling noise and what sounded like a scraping noise beside the car "See You have awoken the spirit." I whisper yelled. He flinched "No you angered the spirits by bringing us here" he whisper-yelled back at me. I grabbed a flashlight and as I was reaching for the door handle Adrian reached for my hand. "What do you think you're doing?" "Going to investigate. DUH." "UH. No, you are NOT! Have you not seen the horror movies. Never EVER go to investigate EVER!" Btw he's overdramatic sometimes. "Yas I have but I need to go see if it scratched my car" "Ok." Adrian nodded. He was okay with this because he liked my car to the point of obsession. We've gone pretty far back. But hold up ya know what   I'mma take you back to our first time meeting each other. 

  Flash Back to Kindergarten...

It was my first time walking into a place alone. So I guess you could imagine it was pretty scary. I decided I would ask someone where Mrs. Wheeler's classroom was but everyone in the hall was a kindergartner. I finally thought to myself "Why not just ask someone where they're going. Maybe they came from Mrs. Wheeler's class and could lead me to her room." But instead, I found this doofus.

" But instead, I found this doofus

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He was very shy. So I being adventurous at a very young adventurous age spoke up. "Hello, what classroom did you come from?" He looked around to make sure that I was talking to him and then said, "Oh I'm still looking actually." He paused for a moment looked down at a piece of paper and continued "for Mrs.Wheeler." "Oh, me too." He seemed to know his way so I decided to ask him "Did you go to the Open House" "No" he replied shaking his head. I paused before thinking of how to reply. "Oh me, neither," I said liked a doofus. We finally reached the classroom so we walked up to the teacher. "Oh!  Are you related?" I was gonna reply with "No we are just friends." But before I said anything he said quickly "No ma'am but we briefly chatted in the hall while trying to find your room." "Oh! Well, you two sure look alike." I don't really see it but hey he was kinda cute. So I guess it wasn't so bad.  After that, we both didn't know what to say. So she told us to have a seat at the empty table next to each other. I guess since we"hit it off". She then closed the door. "Ok class my name is Mrs.Wheeler." People nodded and smiled. Oh! I almost forgot this was me in Kindergarten...

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