Chapter 5

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The bell had rung when Leonardo had decided it was time to put the first step in getting Alexandra back in motion. He was on a mission he wasn't about to fail. He was going to get her to forgive him even though he couldn't do it himself. He didn't need his own forgiveness when he could get hers.

He knew that there was a huge possibility that she wouldn't forgive him. He knew that there was a much bigger chance of her kicking the shit out of him then her ever saying the words I forgive you to him. All these possibilities scared him but he had to take the chance now before he lost her for good. He took one last look at the bathroom mirror before walking out and heading for her locker, knowing she's always there before lunch.

There was a feeling he couldn't shake off in the last three days. It was a weird mixture of emotions he didn't quite know what to call. He felt nervous, scared, and guilty but it was much, much worse. These feelings all together were almost suffocating, his breathing sometimes becoming irregular. His chest felt heavy and he'd usually have to smoke a joint to get the feeling off his chest. But he'd never tell anyone this, not wanting help, only Alexandra in his arms again. A part of him started to think that she might be the death of him.

Walking into the halls was difficult for Leonardo. But Leonardo's determination overcame that. He wasn't going to let the uneasiness he felt come between him and her. Leo took a deep breath before he continued down his journey to his girl, getting closer to her locker.

Leonardo stood a few feet away from his girl. His once irregular breathing became steady as he continued to stare at the curly headed girl. Her messy hair hid half her face as she applied lip gloss to her plump lips. This simple, everyday thing left him in awe; everything about her made his heart melt.

Just as she was about to apply another coat of gloss, her eyes drifted to Leonardo. Shit! He thought, starting to take steps towards her again, his eyes never leaving hers. He took slow yet quick strides towards her. Leonardo could practically feel her uneasiness from the space between them. His steps came to a halt when he stood right next to her as they continued to stare at each other.

Her big, brown eyes were wide as she stared up at him. She thought she had dealt with him already. She looked away from him, her eyes regaining their natural size. She closed her lip gloss as she rubbed her lips together slowly. It was weird, she had never felt this awkward or uncomfortable with Leo in her life, other than when they went on their first date. She put the gloss into her locker as she felt the awkwardness worsen.

Everything Leo thought of telling her disappeared the moment he stood before her. "Hey," was the only word that came out of his mouth and rather slowly. He felt his heart beat in his ears.

At this moment, Alexandra felt herself realize even more that she wasn't ready to speak to him again. Her eyes slowly met his again as she felt the love she had for him come alive again. She clears her throat and closing her eyes, trying to push away those feelings. Still looking at the boy, she slammed her locker shut before going her merry way, walking right past him.

He let out a loud sigh as he closed his eyes before going after her. "Alexandra wait!" he shouted after her, grabbing her arm to turn her around. "Just let me explain."

Alexandra chuckled, giving him an icy glare. "Explain what?" she removed her arm from his hold harshly. "I'm tired of hearing your excuses. It's like you can't own up to what you did."

Her words hurt him more than he had expected. He lowered his hand and stared at her pleadingly. These months have been the worst of his life and he doesn't know if he could ever survive this cruel world without her. "I was drunk. I don't even rem-"

"I don't wanna hurt anymore, Leo," she said, looking around to see there were people already looking and whispering. "Everyone is already starting to notice. Just....... Please, stop this."

He looked around too but he didn't care. He felt this wave of courage suddenly flow through him. "I can't though, Alex. I need you in my life and believe me when I say I'm not giving up on you or on us. So stop pushing me away because I'm not going anywhere."

Their eyes stayed locked together. She stared hard, waiting for him to break or maybe even laugh and say it's all a joke. What were only seconds of their staredown felt like minutes. How was I possibly going to get over him when he won't stop this?

Her eyes soften slowly. Making Leo smile slightly knowing he had won this fight. The tall boy straightens up and watched as her gaze fell to the floor as she let out a loud sigh before looking back at him.

"Goodbye, Leo,"

Alexandra stared at him for a second longer before stepping away from him and making her way down the hall. She wasn't going to let him break her again so she'd rather walk away than get into a heated argument with him, especially in front of the whole school. Or maybe there was a part of her that wanted him to win her over. Maybe she wanted to be with him again and start over. She wasn't fooling anyone if she tried denying that she didn't want him back.

The boy continued to stare at the girl as she walked off to her first class. He felt hope, hope that he'd get his girl back and that he'd win this. He'd get her back. Some part of him knew he should just let her go but no way would he let that happen without truly fighting for her back.

Happy Holidays to all!! Have a blessed night and hopefully I'll have another chapter up as soon!!! :)

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