The envy sin, Dallas.

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This is my form, I'm sorry if possession is taken already.

Name: Dallas

Middle: Jean

Last: Wendell

Family sin: Envy

Powers: Possession

Gender: male

Age: 18 (if the girl twin of envy is another age I will gladly change his to match hers)

Role: Older twin brother.

Face claim: I don't have one yet, wouldyou mind helping? My description so far: Golden eyes with a green tint to them, brown hair, and a slightly greasy look to him.

Personality: rough around the edges, he hides how much hate and self loathing he feels on a day to day basis, and it does show once in a while, he's the kind of guy who needs someone to keep him from going to far at point breaking times of pressure. Besides the leaking pain of not feeling as good as others? He keeps to himself most of the time. He is referred to a "troubled child" in normal standards: once he sees someone who is "Better than him" he'll do as much as he can to pick up their best traits and alter himself to be like that, he feeds off others traits.

Likes: precious stones (crystals, jewelry, quartz decorations, etc, etc) playing mean jokes on others, butterflies&moths&fireflies.

Dislikes: how much others stare at him, stuck up kids, and people who try to hard, and how hard it can be to steal.

Strengths: he is great at creating distractions, he is physically strong, often useses his ability to spy on others.

Weaknesses: has a hard time being sneaky, he often harasses others (sometimes unintentionally) and can be a sore loser with slight anger issues.

Other: is surprisingly open to ideas and new people.

Passwords: Bunny boo, Currently Izombie, and HBawesome123456789
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