The Pictures

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In England

Henry Winston has been in London, England for five years now. He has been chasing England's most wanted man Tony Hale Jr.

Henry was chasing Tony when an envelope fell out of his pocket which said Henry Winston. Henry stopped and picked it up while Tony got away. He opened the envolope and it had a picture of him from five years ago in Virginia and a letter.

Dear "Henry Winston"

I know who you really are.

You can't escape me.

I bet you now know who I am.

It's cute that you chose to use your godson's name.

Maybe I'll pay them a visit.

Sincerely your dear friend,

Tony Hale Jr.


Tobias Hankel Jr.

Henry read the letter and ran back to the police station with the letter. He spotted Elizabeth coming out of her office. "Elizabeth, Tony Hale Jr. is not his real name his name is Tobias Hankel Jr. The guy who made me come here is going back to America where my family is."

"I will buy you plane ticket. Make sure you are packed and ready to go. Your family is more important than work." Elizabeth said.

"Thank you" Spencer said while running to his apartment to pack.

Meanwhile at the BAU

"Why haven't we caught this guy yet. I mean it has been five years. He deserves justice." Morgan said when he saw the new crime. This one was different than his others because the victim looked like Spencer Reid who died five years back and there were pictures of Spencer plastering the walls.

"I don't know but I have had to tell Henry that Spence has taken a long trip. I just wanna get this guy and shoot him." JJ said. She was searching the room when she found an envelope with BAU on it. She put it in her pocket so Morgan wouldn't see. She would give it to Hotch when they got back to the BAU.

"Let's get back they need to know." Morgan said walking out of the house. They got into the car and drove back to the BAU.

"Hotch I need to talk to you in your office." JJ said walking up there.

Hotch looked up and saw JJ walk into the room shutting the door and blinds behind her. "What is it JJ?"

"This was at the crime scene along with maybe 100 pictures of Spencer." JJ said handing him the envelope. He opened then envelope and it said:

Dear BAU

I know where Spencer is.

He is not in the ground but across the waters.

I have seen him.

He knows about me.

I think it was nice that he used his Godsons name.

Sincerely your dear friend,

Tobias Hankel Jr.


Tony Hale Jr.

While JJ and Hotch were talking a man came in with a hood and sunglasses on. "Hey who are you?" Prentiss asked. He just smiled and went right upstairs to Hotch's office.

"Something is going on. JJ and Hotch have been acting weird ever since Reid has in the hospital and now they have a new guy showing up." Morgan said.

"I don't know Morgan. I hope we don't have a new guy on our team." Prentiss said. Rossi came out of his office to go home when Hotch stopped him.

Hotch said, "Everyone in the round table room." When he said that everyone just sat there until he shouted, "NOW."

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