41. It's the Climb (Chapter Finale)

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I look myself in the mirror for the first time in three weeks and it almost feels surreal. I was so used to being anxious because all I wanted to do was to look at my reflection and point out all my flaws but right now, for the first time in a while, I'm happy with what I see in front of me.

"I think these will look good with your dress," Sydney hands me some earrings and a gold necklace.

I half smile and grab them from her hands, "Thanks," I say and put them on. I glance at her and she's applying more dark shadow to her eyelids. I've always admired the way she doesn't care about what everybody else says or thinks, she does what she feels its best for her and embraces it. We should all be like her and just be ourselves, loving every single aspect of our minds and bodies.

"Syd," I call her and she immediately turns around to face me, "I really appreciate everything you've done. I don't know what would've been of me if I had gone through this alone," I add.

She's the only one, besides my guy friends and family, who has been there for me since I started my treatment at the hospital and at the mental health home. Even though I've only been in that home for a few weeks now, it has felt like an eternity and I'm so happy I'll be able to come back home in a couple more weeks. At first it was pretty damn hard for me to interact with the other girls in there because I was in denial but at the end I just couldn't keep going and I had a big meltdown before starting my recovery journey.

I'm glad my dad practically forced me to join that home, I've met amazing people and I've changed a lot in a matter of weeks.

"You don't need to thank me, it's the least I can do after everything I made you go through," she says, walking towards me, "Besides, it's not me who you should be thanking but your doctor for letting you get out of that house to go to prom," she candidly smiles, placing her hands on her hips. The school was cool for letting me go and for giving me the opportunity to take summer school to get all my semester's credits.

I shake my head side to side, "For the thousand tim,e, you never did anything to me. You were actually one of the few people who were always decent, even when we had our misunderstandings."

"Yeah, but I could've saved you lots of problems if-,"

"What's it's done it's done," I interrupt her, "I'm glad you're here with me now," I tell her. Since my friends betrayed me behind my back I thought I would never have a girlfriend again but Sydney proved me otherwise.

Since the beginning, I knew I would never ever talk to Mia again because of the horrible stuff she did and said, but on the other hand, there was Brit, who pretty much knew about what Mia was doing, kind of.

After Syd confessed everything she knew about Mia and how responsible she felt because of knowing but doing nothing, I decided to go and confront Brit because I wanted to give her a chance to speak. Deep inside I knew she was a lovely girl who would never do anything to hurt her friends, but I was wrong.

She admitted knowing about Mia's plans all this time and even helped her when she needed an extra hand. I was shocked because she didn't even have anything to do with Mia's problems but for some reason she decided she would be a part of her horrendous actions. The only thing she didn't know about was that her little best friend Mia was sleeping and sneaking around with her boyfriend all this long, which broke her heart into a million pieces.

From what I've heard from my friends, Brit and Mia don't talk anymore and she's no longer in a relationship with Rick, but what surprised me the most was finding out that he broke up with her, not the other way around.

I was confused at first because I couldn't understand why she would stay with him but then the sad truth came out. It was actually Rick the one who said she was only with him and would stand his poor treatment towards her because she wanted to marry him on the long run. Her mom always told her to look for a wealthy family to secure her financial future, so I'm not really sure if she really loved Rick or if she just used him to look out for her future. I also doubt Rick's story, but it makes sense since her mother did the same thing.

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