Home Sweet Home.

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Nobody's POV...?
It was a cold, breezy afternoon. The sun had yet to set in the world, the sunset currently was a hue of purples, blues, reds, oranges, yellows, and even some teal. These colours were all spread out throughout the sky, not a single speck left untouched by the variety of colours.
In a land that wasn't far, was a small shack of a home, it appeared to be abandoned by all life itself, with only dust and dirt scattered all over the outer side of this small structure.
That's why it was the perfect hide out from the Justice Regions(JR).
Nightmare's POV.
"Haha!" I shouted with laughter filling my nonexistent lungs. It was an exciting adventure we just had, with explosions and running galore. We nearly made it home without a scratch.
As usual, Error was the first to complain about something that happened in that happened during that 'casual' event.
"Ink was that close," he had his two multicolored hands inches apart from each other, "to grabbing my hoodie, we can't risk it that much again!"
"Oh come on, cheer up!" Cross said with that smile he always held plastered to his face, "You know we would've just gotten you out of there if you got tossed into jail!" Cross didn't seem to know the dangers of that.. or he was just being a dimwit.
I chuckled a bit, throwing myself onto our grey, hard couch. "You both should just relax, I know my brother like I know myself. If he was trying to catch us, I bet he would've caught us already." I paused, before adding, "Also, I'm starving."
Even though us skeletons don't have stomachs, we still gotta get our energy from somewhere.
After a while of conversations and what not, it was so boring that I don't even want to bother adding it in, we all decided to clock in for the night..
I slowly dragged myself to my room, threw open the door, I collapsed on my bed, and I was out before I could even count to nine hundred and eighty seven.
Error's POV.
I was, unsurprisingly, the last one of us out and about.. Nightmare just headed to bed, Cross is doing who knows what. I was facing the television, with my glasses tapped to the sides of my skull..
It was fairly dark in the house, so the TV was emitting a faint glow, as my video games continued to give some detail to the colours.
It was around.. heck, I don't know.. I was playing my games for hours, not seeming to care what the time was, but then I heard some noises in the house, the soft sound of walking.
I assumed it was Nightmare going to Cross' room or something, but then a voice struck me. A voice that was familiar but I hated so much.. I sounded as if it was mocking me, with that sly tongue..
"You should be asleep~"

Wheeze, this was my first ever story on here, and I think I did decent with a starting of 300+ words.
Anyways, if you all like this one, I'll continue the story.
-ThePsychoFrisk is OUT.

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