Justin x Justin

28 3 5

   Justin sat in class, per usual, bored af and drolling over Naomi and her perfect feautures, when withought warning the dark oak doar that seperated him from freedom shot open with a loud bang! Justin couldnt believe his eyes as the tall slender man that sauntered into the room. He looked just like justin... Because he was justin

Justin walked up to justin "omg ur like so hot rofl" justin blushed a dark red chuckling "Ikr u too boo" then justin stepped back and justin was all like omg smexy and then a metoer came down into earth and destroyed the whole world, but of course justin and justin survived because theyre perfect and had nice space love kool

And that meteor was StarShower111

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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i was told i should write soooo here some shitWhere stories live. Discover now