Chapter 73

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{Everyone who I need online is online}

Author: Right.. You all here?

Loki: What happened to being Freecuddler?

Author: ......... Damn chatroom...

Author: Anyway, for those online, I have some questions needing to be answered..

Audrey: BEE DID IT!!!!!

Author: That's not- WHAT DID YOU DO??!?

Audrey: Errrr....... Nothing...

Author: -_- anyway, so this is like a Q&A and I have a couple of questions from @avengingauthor

Bruce: Fire away :)

avengingauthor: right so Audrey, what's it like dating Bruce? perfect? Beautiful? Amazing? Unbelievable?

Bruce, tell me how YOU like dating Audrey. Please, I must know for my sanity to stay in tune

Grant, so Bee is your salvation basically?

Crystal, Healings cool.

Loki, I know the Emma things really bringing you down but I hope you know there is other people. But you never have to forget Emma or the time you had with her 😃

Bee, you are just way cool man. Way cool. I need you to meet character Bree. That would be way too awesome.

Author, sooo how's life?

Audrey: well, it's amazing dating Bruce. so.. ALL OF THE ABOVE I LOVE DATING BRUCE I LOVE BRUCE SISHSJHWNAJnsgsnloveykubrucey!!!

Bruce: in all honesty, I love being with Audrey all the time. I love dating her and all her little quirks and

{Long list commences of everything good}

Grant: You could say that... She punched me in the face when we met face to face... But then... yeah...

Crystal: Not when everyone comes to you about papercuts.....

Loki: Thank you.. Mortal...... I will remember that....

Bee: That. Would. Be. AWESOME!!!!!! :D

Author: Eh. It's had better times :/

Authors Note: hey peps!

I'm feeling really crappy and am sick at the moment so there's a chance there may not be any updates again for a little bit.

But keep asking questions!!

Or they will be answering some strange ones :)

I'll try to though ok?


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