Don't You Ever Grow Up

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Gray Fullbuster sat on the rocking chair in the corner of the nursery. His newborn daughter was snuggled happily in his arms. Rain. Named after her mother. But even though she was named after Juvia, there was no doubt in Gray's mind that she'd be a daddy's girl. She already had his eyes. He prayed that her eyes would never be filled with tears, and he prayed they'd never see the terror his eyes had seen. Here she was. His baby girl.

It was an unusually quiet night in Magnolia. There were no voices, no wind howls, nothing. It was all so quiet and still. So perfect.

"I love you, Rain." Gray whispered to the infant. Her little hand reached out and wrapped around his little finger. "Please don't you ever grow up." He said. "I promise you I won't let anyone hurt you, and I won't let anyone break your heart. Just please don't you ever grow up."

Rain's little eyes were closed, she was fast asleep. Gray hoped she was dreaming about her daddy, however unlikely it was. He gently rocked her. She was gently breathing and occasionally she would let out something between a snort and a snore, making Gray silently laugh. He wanted to take in every little detail. He wanted to remember this moment forever. His baby girl.

Juvia stood silently in the doorway to the nursery, watching her husband and daughter. This was their time. She knew he'd be a good father, and he was proving her wrong. He wasn't a good father, he was a perfect father, even in those few short hours.

Gray sat there, taking in Rain's smell, the way she was holding his finger with her little hand, just taking in the way she'd lit up the once cold nursery. In the eleven months the room had been sitting there, fully furnished and ready for a little baby, it had seemed cold and bleak. Now Rain was here it seemed the room, no, Gray's future, seemed warm and bright. In those three hours Rain had entirely changed Gray's outlook on life.

Her tiny hand squeezed his finger a little tighter, making Gray smile. She was a little angel. He just hoped it would be this simple from now on. The only thing he wanted more than Rain staying like that forever, was for her to grow. To grow and see the world. To travel, to find her happy place. As much as he knew it would hurt him, he wanted his Rain to someday find someone she loved, to find someone who loved her, someone who treated her like a princess. He wanted her to graduate, to master whichever form of magic she decided to study. He wanted her to live and experience life and make memories. But for now they were making memories, even if Rain wouldn't remember them in years to come. He'd remember for her. Someday she'd be all grown up, but for now she was his little girl, and he intended to cherish every tiny, breathtaking moment.

Don't You Ever Grow Up (GRUVIA)Where stories live. Discover now