Present Time

There is a car outside of my house. It’s been there since this morning but I wish it was gone. You see, I can’t stand Melanie Kinney, no matter how magical she looks or how popular she is. And right now, she’s at my house. Apparently, she’s had a fight with her husband and my mother is there to give her tissues and magazine issues.

I don’t move my ass from my room for half a day and I start to get annoyed and a little bit pissed off. I do not want that woman pinching my cheeks and telling me how cute I am, nor do I want her gossiping behind my family’s back once she’s out of the house. She’s one of those that keep their reputation that way – spreading rumours left and right and making themselves seem better than the others when, in fact, they’re anything but. It’s disgusting and I still can’t understand why my mother the dearest keeps hanging out with her. She would never give me an outright reason, what also doesn’t make sense, but I’ve never looked far into it. I don’t have a reason to. It’s nothing important anyway. I have a few more relevant things to worry about.

My phone rings just as Welcome To The Black Parade is starting to play next on my How to Keep People Out of Your Room playlist, so I quiet it down with a scowl on my face. I love that song too much.

“Hello?” I answer without looking at the caller’s ID, though I can easily guess who’s calling me. There aren’t a lot of people who would do that.

“Helloooo, my dear Kimberly.” I groan because she knows I hate when she calls me by my full name. She’s laughing seconds later. “Guess what?” Her voice is so full of excitement and anticipation that I wonder if she maybe got married or something.

“You got married or something?” I say without really thinking it through but hey, that’s me. Dani’s probably rolling her eyes right now, or maybe her hand is making its way to her forehead. Either one will work.

“No, you dumbass. I just found out that my brother is coming home tomorrow!” She lets out a little squeal so I have to cover my ears before I go deaf. Dani’s known for doing that. I’m being serious. Still, I’m smiling because I’m happy for her. As her brother is away from home a lot, this is as close to the miracle as it gets.

“Really?” My voice has gone all soft and in every other situation, I’d ask the question again with the coldness in my voice of some sort, but this is Dani we’re talking about and I’d always go soft on her. She’s the only friend I have and I wouldn’t trade her for the world. Nor would I be a bitch to her. She’s probably the only one that can stand me as, well, me.

“Yes! He called this morning to tell us he’s just finished with his last exam so he has a little bit of time to come by. Will you come to the dinner tomorrow? You have to see him, too!” I smile, thinking that maybe it would be a good idea to socialize. I was never quite popular, or social. There was always Dani and me and, till Dani had a bunch of other friends, I’d always keep by side. Now though, there is a whole other story.

Before, I was liked, but never popular. Now, people who know my name hate me, and people who don’t will hate me in no time. So yeah, my social life is lost and has always been. I’m lucky enough to have one friend. And she’s the best friend I could imagine to have.

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll let you know. The only thing that could stop me are my parents so…” I leave it open, not really feeling like finishing the sentence. Dani knows what I want to say anyway.

“Yeah okay. That sounds like a reasonable explanation, as always.” I can hear the sarcasm in her voice but I don’t comment on it. “Listen, I’m going out tonight. With Andy, Hannah and Sophie. What do you say?” There’s a lump in my throat as she mentions going out and I feel trapped. I can’t say yes. I don’t want to live the same thing twice. I don’t want to be at the same place where there is a possible kidnapping to happen again. One time is more than enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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