Part 3

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(Author's Note: Sorry its been so long! I have been on vacation for awhile, so I haven't been able to post!)


I finally find Donna in the Tardis's dressing room. When I get there, she looks ridiculous in a very tight, sparkly, and colorful spandex outfit. "Uh, Donna?" She spins away from the mirror, bright red in the face. "I just wanted you to know,  I'm going to bed. Suggest you do the same. Up and at 'em tomorrow!" I say, stifling a laugh. "Oh, o-okay," She dashes into the changing room. Once I get back to my room, I pull out a piece of paper. I'm not going to sleep, as usual. I rarely do, because when I do, I wake up sweating and terrified that Rose is dead. On the piece of paper, I write "Step 1". It's time to plan. So first, I guess I'll go back in time, back to when Rose was on Earth, and tell her something. But what? Maybe I should go to when she got teleported to parallel universe, except just before that, and... Well, it's a simple plan, but maybe it'll work. I'll take her old self into the Tardis, and we'll hang out in the time vortex until I'm sure that the gap between universes is sealed. Then I'll take her back to me in the past, and voila! She should appear with me here, once I've fixed everything. All I have to worry about is the old me... How will I be able to pry her out of the old me's hands? I guess I'll just have to explain. But I'll have to go back further then, so I'll have more time to explain. Only one problem; Donna. What will I do with her? I like traveling with her, she has an amazing mind, but I will do anything to get Rose back and protect her for the rest of her life. I'll finally be able to tell her what I meant to at Bad Wolf Bay... Rose Tyler, I love you. Donna will understand, I think. I'll send her home, and make sure she's able to contact me if needed. She'll be fine with me going with Rose. She understands the power of loving someone. At least I think she does... I'll just have to trust myself that she does. But just thinking that brings a chill over me, because the last time I trusted myself with something like this, everything went horribly wrong.

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